Part 1:DreamwasTaken

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George: "Sapnap you better know what your fuckin doing"
I say as we speed through the bad parts of town "if Techno finds out that Schlat escaped  we are both dead"

I look at the streetlights blinding and fast as fuck as we drive past as 130km/h
'Fine' he says
"Bad where is he at now?" I say 'Take a left at the next cross section then right at the roundabout he's heading near the flats'

We slow down a bit so we're not too obvious and i grab my knife out of my pocket and keep my gun hidden under my shirt just incase i need it

I get out of the car and sneak behind him *knife held in my mouth* then just when i feel the time is right i grab my hankecheif from my pocket stuff it in his mouth
Then pull his arms behind his back and then i slit his throat

*Sirens way off in the distance*
I look at the body laying still and move it against the side of the flat then grab my hankecheif and quickly wipe away my fingerprints from where i grabbed him

Then i hear a gasp


Dream: I hear some sirens off in the distant as i walk home from the shops
I enjoy my alone time
My parents died a few years ago to a Car Crash and left me alone in this world
All I've ever had is my cat patches

I've never been very good at keeping friends they always mock me because of being gay or because i like to draw smiley faces on everything
Its like my way of saying
*this is mine dont touch* or *dream was here*
Its not like im pissin on everything like a fuckin dog

I walk home and see a car i dont recognise just a block away from my house but i dont pay any attention to it

I walk a bit further and it gets quite cold *even tho i could just keep walking the next block i hate the cold*
So i put the bag of groceries down and take my grassy green jacket off my waist and put it on

I pick up the bag and continue walking just listening to my footsteps as i think about work and rent and other stuff like that
Then i hear some rustling next to my house and i see it

A darkbrown haired male with his throat cut open,
His windpipe sticking out of the wound and blood all over his neck and chest, shirt extrememly soaked in blood.

Standing a few meters away was a kinda short brunette
A murderous look in his blue and brown eyes
A stare i shall never forget and he was putting the what looked like a hunting knife om not completely sure because it was dark

as he turned away from the body he looked so weirdly attractive but then i accidentally gasped


George: i quickly turned around at him
He was a fair bit taller than me with emeral green eyes and a grassy green hoodie and black trackies

But he was nothing i couldnt handle i quickly run up to him *pull out my knife from my pocket while running*
Then with one hand i push him against that wall and with the other i hold the blade right against his throat cutting him slightly and a trickle of blood runs down his neck but i honestly dont care at all

'Uhhh ur hur-'
"ZIP IT CUNT" i yell in his face causing him to flinch
"You've seen me amd what i did and now your gonna come  with me"
'Wait i didnt see anythi-' i cut him off by cutting his throat a bit deeper

"Your either gonna come quietly and follow my fucking orders" i use my free hand to grab the gun from under my shirt and put it in the place of the blade
"Or your gonna end up like that dickhead GOT IT!"
he slightly nods in reply

I move back a bit to let him get off the wall and infront of me and tap his back with the gun "move" i say

He looks back at his groceries on the ground and then at me and then takes a few steps
Slow not much but slow enough to piss me off
*i hit him in the back of the head with the gun and he passes out immediately*

"Sapnap get the fuck over here"
I say and he jumps out of the car and runs over
'Whats this' he says
"A problem" i reply

Sapnap carries him to the back of the car and i grab the ducktape and wrap it around his hands and feet and put some over his mouth
*his hot asf mouth* i think to myself

'Ok we're ready to go' sapnap says to bad through his earpiece we'll be back in about 2 hrs

A/N hey guys its @bluedash_nightfury from tiktok here and just wanted to write my own dnf fanfic this is my first time writing mcyt and im hoping u guys like it (working progress and i have school aswell and im aussie for anyone who couldnt have guessed LOL)
But yea also any ideas and suggestions appreciated i may write smut if asked and yea hope u enjoy
I will likely post chapters as i make them while i got internet
-like 850 words

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