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Those two were alone. It was practically midnight and to their luck today was no one at their apartment. Everyone took turns to be with Beam because his delivery date was near. Today was Lam turn. Beam was thinking about the proposal he got from THEM. He had made his decision that he will do whatever they want him to do. He will do anything to know his past. To know who were his parents. To know his blood. Since childhood, he wished to at least know his parents. At least one person, who he could say, his blood. And after so long, he got a chance, he didn't want to lose it no matter what. It's not like he didn't try to find his parents. Forth tried to find them for him, but after years of searching, he couldn't find them. Beam came out of his thoughts when he feel a warm and big hand on his. He looked up to see Lam, kneeling in front of him, as he sat on the couch.

"Beam, please listen to me. Don't do this. This is not right Beam. Think about how it is going to affect Forth. Please Beam. Please don't be selfish."

Lam said, more like pleaded. Beam looked at him with tear-stained eyes.

"I am not selfish. You don't understand. (sob)........ You don't understand what it f-feels like to grow up as an orphan. (sob) W-with n-no one by your side. (sob) All a-alone, fighting for basic needs every day (sob)..........You don't know how it feels when people look down on you your whole life because you don't know who you are. who your parents were?........ (Sob) You don't know how it feels to sleep with a half-empty stomach...(sob) having no one by your side when you are feeling low, (sob) when you are sick, (sob) when people bully you,(sob) when people throw their used things on you out of pity,(sob) when (sob) when you feel like giving up (sob) there was no one by your side to tell you that 'Don't worry, I am with you' (sob) you don't know how it feels to see kids your age laughing and chatting with their parents (sob)...YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, (sob)."Beam yelled at the last of his sentence., was him wanting to know his parents were selfish?

"BUT THAT IS ALL PAST. (lam yelled, but soon composed himself.)You have a family now,(he said in a whisper) Forth, Phana, me, everyone, and the little one. (he said as he glanced at Beam's baby bump)......... You don't need to do this. We will find another way." Lam said desperately. He can't just stand aside and see his best friend's family crumble down. He has to stop Beam before he took a wrong decision.

"NO... I SAID NO. I WILL DO IT. I HAVE TO DO IT........ I WANT MY SON TO KNOW WHO HIS GRANDPARENTS WERE..... I WANT HIM TO HAVE EVERYTHING.....(Sob) I want to know who they were....(sob) why they left me in that shitty orphanage..(sob) why? Why? What crime did I commit at such a little age that they had to abandon me? (Sob) Making me orphan..."

"But Forth has to know about thi-"

"NO. THEY said it clearly If I want to know my parents I have to make Forthie believe that Hanie is not his child."

"He Will be broken Beam. You can't do that to Forth" Lam said more like pleaded. Why can't Beam understand, he is betting his and Beamgforth's relationship over someone who abandoned him years ago.

"He won't. He won't believe it. I know him to the core. He won't believe a piece of paper over me. Our love is not that weak. Besides, I will tell him everything once They told me who my parents were. We just have to act for a day. Okay." Beam looked at Lam to help him. In no way he was able to do all this alone. He needed someone to help him, someone who has power and money.

"Why can't we tell Forth everything beforehand? He has to know."

"No. We won't do that. "Beam replied with determination. Lam looked at Beam with disappointment. His head was aching so much, if he would stay here for another second, he would burst and do something that he will regret. He needed to control himself. Everything so out of his control. He dashed out of the room but stopped at the door and looked back to see Beam looking at him with tear-stained eyes.

His EX-HUSBAND (Forthbeam)Where stories live. Discover now