6: Memories or Nightmare

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(Forth’s dream)

“Hey forth, meet my brother Beam.” forth looked at the most beautiful person in front of him. The moment his eyes landed on him, he fell in love with him. It’s like his beauty has bewitched him. He decided this man would be his forever.






Beam: “I am sorry p'forth, I know you really like me, believe me I think I also like you too at some point but please you need to understand, we can’t be together. The difference between us is too much. You are an idol, you are rich, educated and you also have a loving family but I am totally opposite of you. I am orphan. A small waiter at some restaurant. I am not rich like you. I didn’t even finish high school. You parents will never welcome someone like me in their family, who don’t even know his own origin. And the world will never accept our rel-

Forth: I don’t care. I don’t care, what would my parents think or the world would. The only thing I know is that I love you. And you are the one for me. I promise you, you never have to worry about those things. Just be my boyfriend.





“They were on a beach. The cold breeze was hitting their skin. The moon was shining with its full ability along with twinkling stars, making the moment more memorable. Beam was holding the flowers forth given to him smiling at forth. Suddenly forth kneeled down in front of beam, taking out something from his pocket.

“Will you marry me Beam?”

Forth said as he open the lead of small box, smiling at Beam. Beam was surprised, tears were flowing from his eyes, sliding down his cheeks. It was the best birthday gift he had ever received. He wiped his tears, which can’t seems to stop.


The moment beam said yes, forth smiled and took a ring from box and placed it on beam’s….




They were standing in front of their family and friend in the church. Taking their woes for their secret marriage. Both were dressed in white tuxedoes looking all gorges.

“Will you, forth Jaturaphoom take Beam Baramee as your husband?”

I do (forth said smiling)

“Will you, Beam Baramee take forth Jaturaphoom as your husband?”

I do

Forth leaned down to kiss Beam.

They were in their bedroom. All room was decorated with roses and candles. Beam was sitting infront of forth on their bed. Suddenly beam take something from under their bed, which was wrapped in gift Paper. Beam handed it to forth with a big smile on his face.

Beam: p'forth, Here, Your anniversary gift from me.

Forth pecked beam's cheek and taken the gift from  his hand. He looked as how beam’s smile was getting more wider as he was opening the gift, making forth more curious of what Beam could have get for him.

His EX-HUSBAND (Forthbeam)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz