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It's been hours since Beam has locked himself in the small bathroom they have in their two room apartment, crying over his pathetic life. He felt like destiny was playing games with him. It was too much for him to handle. Why bad luck always run after him like ghost? Why it's so hard for him to live a simple life? Why his son have to suffer because of his misfortune? Why? Why? He was asking same question to himself for years, but still got no answer.

He never thought and he never wanted to visit that place again and see those people again. Why after all those years he has to face those people? Why he have to cross the door which was closed on his face. When he found out Forth was the last straw to save his son, he was afraid of what would Forth will do when he found out the child he abandoned and called names for years was his. Beam was afraid what would he do if Forth decided to Hanie away from him? It was the thing he afraid the most. But He never thought Forth will ask him to move there with him, that place was living hell for him.

A knock on the door took Beam from his thoughts. He had locked himself in the bathroom not wanting his Hanie to see him crying and broken like that. Hanie is really emotional kid. He had seen so much in this little age that made him protective over Beam. When Beam told his son that they will have to move tomorrow to some other place, he suddenly started to cry and throwing fits. He had practically grown in this place. He has become favorite of people living here because of his cuteness and bubbly nature. He was attached to the people here. Though the people here were poor but hey have big hearts. They helped them when his so called own people abandoned him.

"He has fallen asleep. You can come out now."

Beam opened the door, and hugged the man in front of him. This was the man now he believed the most. This was the man who had lessened his misery ignoring his own pain. He cried hard in his hold, the only voice of his silent cries and their breathing could be hear in the room. The man led Beam to the hall cum kitchen they have as Hanie was sleeping in the other room. He set Beam on sofa and sit beside him, comforting him time to time.

Beam: Did he agreed? (Sob) He was really sad when I told him we were leaving without you.

Beam looked at him with tear stained face. He himself didn't wanted to live this place and him. Though this place doesn't have riches and luxuries but it was filled with love and care. He remember the small face his Hanie made when Beam told him the news. He was not talking to Beam since then. How much Beam tried to make him understand, but it didn't seem to work on him. At last Beam has to call him. He knew Hanie would listen to him.


Beam looked at his savior, his angel, the person who saved him that day. If it wouldn't for him to be there that day, he has been gone from this world long ago. He was the one who take care of his Hanie in first six month cause Beam was not in the state to take care of his son. He was so traumatized because of what happened that day that it had left an unseen scar on him forever. Visual wounds are way better than those unseen wounds that Forth has caused to him. Beam was sure that if he didn't have his Hanie to take care of, he himself would have left this world after that day willingly due to the extent of suffering. His Hanie was the reason he fight to those demons inside his head. His Hanie was the reason he stand firmly in front of the this cruel world.

Beam: Sin.I don't want to go there.

Beam cried hugging his friend. Actually his name is but he liked to be called Sin. He is a chef in small restaurant and lives in the first floor of this building along with his sick mother and wife. Sin sighed, hugging his friend, making sure to make him feel safe and comfortable. After what happened that day, Beam always felt unsafe. He was paranoid. He would stay awake whole night due to fear of happening it again. After years, Beam still was paranoid of his surroundings. So Sin always make sure to make Beam feel safe.

Sin: I know Beam. I myself don't want you and baby bear to go there but we have to Beam. Thats the only way to help baby bear. We have to do this.

They both knew this. They have no other way than to do what Forth demands. Sin's heart was aching seeing the state of Beam. So lost, so broken. Why good people have to suffer? What was the fault of that little life in all this that he have to suffer through this?

Beam: he was so sad when I told him about moving.

Sin: I know. He don't want to leave this place but he also don't want you to be sad. He understands Beam. He is intelligent kid which loves you more than anything. Though he is young he understands most of things going on behind his back. So don't worry about his agreeing too much. What important is your and his health.

Han is the extraordinary kid. He is intelligent and always amazed others because of his high intelligence at this age. He is cute and have a bubbly personality, which made everyone like him at instant. Despite his young age, he had grown strong emotionally because though Beam never shows it but he had observe what his papa was going through all these years. He would tell how Beam was feeling in one glance at Beam's face, so to avoid his father's suffering, so he always tried to be obedient to Beam, hiding his cravings for toys and all other thing that a child would have want. And Sin know about all this, so he always try to be there for both of them. Giving Hanie all things from whatever little money he can save from his small salary. After living with them for four years, Sin at first didn't bear a thought of leaving apart from them. But destiny tossed the coin in such a way that now how much he don't want but he had to send those two to that worst place. He looked at the thin figure sniffling in his embrace.

Sin: so tomorrow he will come to pick you up? (Beam nodded.)

Beam: yeah. You will come every weekend to meet us right?

Sin: Yeah. I will.


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