Wrapped around his little finger

Start from the beginning

(Translation: That's so fucking stupid! One of you could have been seriously hurt! You both will run fifteen miles tomorrow and no, I am not joking. Go, now! And don't even think about resting, because you are about to scrub this place top to bottom. I want it spotless, got it?)

"Yes, sir, come," Lexi said as she signaled for Bonnie to come on.

Bonnie Davis-

"Umm... where are we going?" I asked, confused.

"You did-... I thought you spoke Italian, no?" Lexi asked confused.

"Well...I do, but he said that a little too fast. Next time, do it without the fast-talking and yelling because it was so uncaused for." I said, looking at him and rolling my eyes.

"Credi che stia scherzando, cazzo?" Enzo asked, slowly and not loud giving me the chance to understand him. He started walking up to me, slowly.

(Translation: you think I'm fucking joking)

"Welp, ...you know... I-I just d-didn't know what you said...sorry, umm...like you said...we gotta go." I stuttered then grabbed Lexi's hand to try to run off.

Again, you heard me right, "tried"

"Why do you always decide to play around with me when I am not in the mood, piccola tigre coraggiosa?" He whispered to me after he grabbed my arm and snatched me into him, ripping my hold from Lexi.

"Go!" Enzo yelled, looking at Lexi, Antonio, and Raven causing them all to "yes, sir" him and leave.

"Bitches," I said to myself, but Enzo heard it.

"Oh really? How so?" Enzo asked letting go of me.

"Umm... it's pretty obvious they are scared of you, but I don't see why because you are clearly a puss-

He snatched me up after giving me an angry look.

Put me down, cagna!" I yelled. I kicked and screamed, but the only thing that did was allow him to hit my butt causing my eyes to bulge out. That even caused me to stop yelling and kicking.

"Oh, so now you quiet, hmm?" He said, probably smirking or whatever he does when he acts like a smartass.

"Can you put me down, now?" I asked as we made it to his room.

"Sure thing, Principessa," he said then dropped me on the floor with a big ass thud.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled as I got up from the floor, but he ended up pushing me right back down.

"Stop being a baby." He said then smirked at me as I started to rub my behind, because it was starting to hurt.

"Stop!" I yelled then got back on my feet.
He tried to push me again, but I kicked him in his balls causing him to yell and clutch them. He then fell to his knees with a groan.

"Stop being a baby," I said, mocking his deep voice then sat on my bed with a smirk glued to my face.

"fottuta puttana!" He yelled at me causing me to turn my attention to him.

Kidnapped in ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now