"Make him something? I'm not sure if you're any good at arts and crafts"

"Yeah.. I can knit"

"There you go, knit him something. Start soon, Christmas is in a couple of days"

I nodded.

So, I got some knitting supplies, I decided to just knit him a scarf. I got some soft black yarn and knitting needles. I spent that whole weekend knitting him a scarf. Grandma closed the shop for the holidays and will reopen after New Years.

I was in the living room, finishing up the scarf when grandma sat down next to me with a snack. I moved some if the knitting supplies on the kotatsu so she can put her snack there.

"Is that for Yuki?" she asked.

I nodded, focused on the task at hand. I was almost done and I need to finish strong, no mistakes.

"Do you think he'll like it?" I asked.

"Of course"

After half an hour, I finished the scarf. It was longer than what I had planned,  but oh well. I folded the scarf neatly, wrapping it in a tissue paper before putting it in a gift box. I wrapped a red ribbon around the box and smiled. It's finally done.

"Obaasan, did you want anything for Christmas?"

"Oh no, don't worry about me. I don't usually celebrate Christmas"

"I see.." I'll have to think of something to give to her or just even a small gesture... anything..

It was Christmas Eve, I decided to prepare a full feast for my grandma and I, it's the least I could do for her, but I have to give Yuki his present first. I messaged him, telling him that I was heading over to his place. He replied rather quickly, telling me that it has to be soon since he has plans for today.

I rang the doorbell at his place and waited a few minutes before someone opened the door.

"Fujioka-san, I was not expecting you here"

Great, just great... It's Sato-San. I completely forgot that she visits on Winter break.

"Sato-san, how are you" I said, smiling at her.. fake smiling.

"Ohh, I'm great.. How can I help you?" she asked.

"Is Yuki there? I'm just dropping off his Christmas present"

"Yeah, he's here, give me a moment"

She closed the door in front of me and went to get him. Didn't even invite me in or anything. She just left me out there, in the cold Winter weather. She's just great. The door opened again and it was Yuki this time, but she was right behind him. She was putting on her coat as well as Yuki. I guess they're heading out.

"Hey, Mio.. it's been a while.." he said.

"Yeah.. I'm just dropping off your present.." I told him, handing him the paper bag.

"Thanks, anyway.. we have to go, trying to catch a train to Tokyo today" he said.

"Oh, I see.."

"He's taking me to see the Christmas market" Sato-san added.

"I hope you guys catch the last train back then" I told them, before I turn to walk away.

"Oh, we're staying there overnight.. he got us a room and all" she added.

"Great, I'll... see you around" I quickly walked back home.

So... those two huh. They even got a room to spend the night there. I felt tears running down my face... the 2 blocks walk seemed longer. Stupid, stupid Mio...

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