T W E N T Y - F O U R

Start from the beginning

"Happy birthday bunny" Kayden spoke softly

"Thanks Kay" she smiled

"Happy birthday my baby sister" Cohan cooed

"Shut up" she laughed

"Happy sixteenth Ezzie" Xander spoke hugging her

"Thank you Xan" she replied hugging back


Reluctantly the family left to go downstairs easy to surprise her when she finally goes down.

Ezmie had never liked her birthday due to her upbringing but she could tell today was going to be different, she hasn't cried yet so that was a start.

Her footsteps echoed as she walked down the stairs, her smile never faltered once until she saw the room.

An involuntary gasp left her mouth as she viewed the room with such adoration and amazement.

Her eyes winded seeing the decorations, the emerald green and silver coloured decor coaxed the house.

She felt like she was dreaming

"Happy birthday Ezmie" her family shouted

Her eyes filled with tears but she didn't let them go.

"Thank you" she breathed out

"Ez are you okay" Kyson asked concerned

"I'm fine, just overwhelmed" she admitted

"Come eat" Cohan practically dragged her to the table

"You didn't" she smiled

"I did, anything for you" he admitted

"I love you Cohan" she hugged him

"I love you more Ezmie" he whispered in her ear


The estate was busy, people were anywhere you looked. The extended family and her friends had now arrived.

Chatter was starting to die down as everyone eagerly watched Ezmie open her present.

Every single present she opened she always made sure to thank them, she wanted them to know she appreciated everything.

There was denying the Gray children were spoilt and that could be told just by looking at them.

This wasn't an exception for Ezmie if anything she was more spoilt but no one would ever admit to that.

Her presents varied from everyone who knew her, her family buying her expensive jewellery and electronics.

She had everything a 16 years old would want

A MacBook

An iPhone


You name it she probably had it

But nothing could compare to the love her family have her.

Ezmie was never a materialistic person she always preferred gifts from the heart, not a lot of people knew this but the ones that did didn't disappoint.

Cohan had given her a framed photograph it was both past and present, their first photo when she was born and their first photo when she came home.

A message scripted on to the back of it, Ezmie knew not to show anyone it was special to them to.


My little sister, my rock, the best thing that ever happened to us. Thank you for being born and for saving us, even if you weren't here for part of it you saved us in ways you wouldn't even think you could.

You saved us all but you saved me the most, I was lost without you and now your back it's been awesome.

I love you forever and always- never question my love for you even when I'm an idiot.

-Cohan <3

Ezmie's eyes filled with tears reading the note, Cohan was never outspoken with his words but this was perfect.

Ezmie's friends had collectively made a scrapbook of all the fun they've had since they've been friends.

Everyone was watching eagerly as she flipped the pages some getting her into trouble but they all noticed the same thing.

She was happy, the smile never left her face.


The Gray family had a tradition, whose ever birthday it was got to choose where they had a meal meaning it was Ezmie's turn.

Weatherspoons she chose

Ezmie had never liked being the centre of attention so being in the spotlight today gave her fear but she enjoyed every minute of it.

The food was delicious and everyone enjoyed, conversations never ceasing to not exist.

They talked about everything and anything even the whole Matîs thing, it had been a few weeks and he hadn't tried anything.

Suddenly the chatter ended and the lights dimmed, the birthday song started playing and Ezmie's cheeks went red she was embarrassed.

Honestly though how embarrassing is it when someone sings happy birthday like what do you do


"Thank you" she giggled

It was at this moment she realised she was the happiest she had ever been, she was safe and with people who loved her.

She felt the same except the secret she was hiding but that's a story for another time.

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