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Hyperventilating, is what one does when they have a panic attack and right now that's all I'm doing. My breathing is heavy and my head feels light like i could pass out at any moment.

I could hear the faint murmurs of my family members their voices were distant I couldn't make out who was saying what.

I could feel my self being held, i don't know who it is and quite frantically i don't care who it is. They were whispering in my ear trying to calm me down it was working for most part until i heard the one word i was dreading.


I couldn't go there.

My breathing picked back up I couldn't go there, then they would find out about the scars and bruises that littered my body, it was permanent. They wouldn't want a daughter who is tainted in ugly scars and they definitely wouldn't want a sister who is scared at absolutely everything.

This family is my last chance of happiness

I don't know how much time passed but i had finally calmed down, i could hear the sigh of relief of the person who arms I'm in. Slowly glancing up i was met with brown eyes, Kyson. The only one of my brothers to have brown eyes.

"Are you okay" he asked softly to which i nodded

Cassius walked over carefully a glass of water held in his hand as he passed it to Kyson who helped me drink as i was still shaken up. My breathing was back to normal as i got placed on dad's lap his arms immediately tightening around me making me feel safe and secure.

Something I've never felt before

"Princess, are you going to eat now?" He whispered so only i could hear him

I shook my head no, i knew exactly what would happen if i even hesitated. It would be straight in the cupboard for me and I hated that place with a burning passion. He looked down confused.

"Why not" he asked louder, now everyone could hear what he was saying.

I knew i was going to get in trouble for this but i cant lie to him, he's my father and has been nothing but nice. This didn't mean i trusted him necessarily, i knew people could be deceiving, part of me hoped that these people wouldn't be like Ashley.

I took a breathe in, "I'm not allowed to eat for another day" i breathed out

I felt my dad freeze, thats when i knew i was done for. He was going to beat me and put me in the cupboard or even worse bring those men back around, although he could probably hurt me more than they did.

The room was silent, I guess everyone heard what i said. The silence lasted all of a minute before Cohan threw a chair, the loud nosed caused me to flinch and i knew my dad felt it. I was scared to look up.

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