Suprise Visit

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——————————————————————It's been about 5 months since Esme was born

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It's been about 5 months since Esme was born. Hotch gave you 6 months off but Spencer only got 2 and a half. No one had seen much of you or Esme at all. They only saw pictures you sent to the group chat or that Spencer took. Esme had started to smile but every time you went to get a picture of her smile she always stopped. She had Spencer's smile too. She was Spencer's clone.

Today you decided to surprise the team and Spencer by going into the office with Esme. You were excited to see everyone again.

You took the elevator up to the 6th floor and got off. You pushed the stroller and walked into the bullpen, walking to your desk. You balled up a sticky note and threw it at Spencer. He turned around confused until he saw who threw it.

"Lovey, what are you doing here?" He asked pulling you into a hug.

"I wanted to surprise you and the team. They haven't seen much of me or Esme lately." You replied pulling back from the hug.

Spencer knelt down and picked up Esme.

"Hi love bug!" He said.

Esme smiled and Spencer smiled back at her. These two were best friends and you knew that they always would be. You smiled at them. They made you so happy.

"OH. MY. GOSH. What are you doing here?" You heard Penelope ask.

"I came to say hi to everyone and to let you guys see Esme again." You replied as she pulled you into a tight hug.

"Hey you." You heard Emily say.

You pulled back from Penelope and gave Emily a hug.

"What about me sweetness?" Derek asked.

You hugged him too.

"Um excuse me. Come here." JJ said.

You laughed and hugged her as well.

"What are you doing here? You have another month." Hotch said.

"Nice to see you too." You said sarcastically, pulling away from JJ.

You hugged Hotch and he hugged you back.

"Why are we hugging?" Rossi asked.

"Cause your favorite person is here." You said pulling away from Hotch.

Rossi pulled you into a side hug.

"How's Esme?" Hotch asked.

"Amazing. She's sleeping through the night. She's really good during the day. She smiles but only at Spencer. I think she has a favorite." You said with a laugh.

Spencer handed you Esme and you placed her on your hip. She stared at everyone but kept looking back at Spencer.

"I think she wants you." You said to Spencer.

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