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"Alright who wants to go get drinks tonight?" Penelope asked

"Baby girl you already know I'm down." Morgan replied.

"I'm in." Emily replied.

"Y/N? Spencer?" Emily asked.

"Sure I'll go." You replied.

"Uh yeah sure." Spencer replied.

"Pretty boys coming to the bar. Nice." Derek said excitedly.

"6:00" Penelope said.

Everyone finished their paperwork and headed to the bar. Spencer hitched a ride with you since you drove together today. The drive to the bar was short. Maybe 5 minutes. Spencer had his hand on your thigh the whole ride there.

"Are you okay?" He asked when we parked.

"Yeah I'm fine why?" You questioned.

"You just seem off today." He answered.

It had been 3 months since the nightmare. You were handling it fine at first but then they started coming back.

"I'm fine. Really. Thank you though." You answered.

"I don't believe you." He said.

"Spencer I'm fine." You said staring directly into his eyes.

"I still don't believe you but I'll let it slide for now." He said.

"Thank you." You replied.

You both got out of the car and walked into the bar holding hands. As soon as you spotted Penelope, Emily, and Derek sitting in a booth in the back of the bar, you dropped your hands. JJ, Hotch, and Rossi couldn't join us. The guys had work and JJ was having date night with Will. You walked over to the group and sat down on the inside of the booth. Spencer sat next to you on the outside. We didn't have time to change into different clothes so we were still in our work clothes.

"You guys made it!" Penelope exclaimed.

"Of course we did!" You said back.

"Here, you're behind." Penelope said while sliding two shots across the table.

"I can't drink tonight. I have to drive this one home." Spencer said motioning to you.

You playfully slapped his arm with a dramatic shocked face. Eliciting a laugh out of everyone including Spencer. Spencer got up and dragged you to the bar.

"Order what you want it's on me." Spencer said.

"I know how to pay for-"you started.

"I said order what you want. It's on me. Now being a good girl and do as I said." He interrupted

"I'll take a beer please! And he'll have a water." You said to the bartender over the blasting music.

The bartender handed you both your drinks and you walked back over to the table. You finished your beer pretty quickly and Spencer went to get you another along with some water.

"We should play truth or dare or never have I ever!" Penelope said excitedly and everyone agreed to play never have I ever and then play truth or dare.

"If you have done this then you have to take a drink. If you haven't you're safe." Penelope explained. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Never have I ever though about sleeping with someone on the team." Penelope started.

"Starting off strong." Derek said.

Everyone except Penelope took a drink.

"Never have I ever thought about sleeping with someone at this table." Emily said.

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