Chapter 31

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🦄 Taylor 🦄


"i want to go home."

"home?" valentina looked up at me with a raised brow, "you're not going back there."she pointed her finger at me.

"i dont have no where else to stay so where am i gonna go? i dont want to be homeless." i said sadly.

val stared at me.

"you- you could move in with me?" she suggested in an unsure voice.

"but your parents-"

"they wouldn't mind."

i raised my eyebrows at her.

val sighed.

"i would have to ask." she grumbled and i gave her a smile and got up.

"you dont have to."


"shh. i can just find a work and save to buy another house if it bother you so much about the house." i said softly and straddled her.

valentina leaned back in the chair and placed her hands on my waist.

"i'm just worried for you, you know? what if he gets bailed and decides to come back for you?" val whispered and i placed my hand on her cheek.

"stop worrying, val. i'm a big girl."

"pun intended?" she asked with a raised eyebrow and i smacked her with a huff.

i got up from her and sat back down on the bed.

valentina chuckled and pulled me in her body.

"you know i was joking, baby."

i pouted and ignored her.

"tay, talk to me." valentina whined and checked my cheek, then the other, "c'mon, princess. you know i didn't mean it." her voice dropped, making shudder.

i smacked her on the arm with my good arm and turned to look at her.

"well- that was a bad joke." i pouted.

"i'm sorry." she hugged me and i wrapped an arm around her.


"as i was saying, i want to come out of the hospital. it doesn't makes sense i stay because i can already feel my bones going back to good." i said.

"i'm going to make a call and be back." tina said and i nodded, swinging my legs.

🥀 Valentina 🥀

i left the room and immediately called dad. its better i call him than mom, because a bit of a pain in the ass.

dad answered on the third ring and i heard panting in the background.


"y-yes, sweetheart?" he said between a breath.

i closed my eyes in disgust.

"when you're done call me back." i hung up and pinched the bridge of my nose.

nasty fuckers.


it has been 16 minutes and i'm waiting for his call. i was sitting outside of taylor's room. i'd peep on her here and there to see if she was okay, but otherwise, i sat on the outside.

speaking of call-

my phone rung and i looked down at the caller's id.

big man💪🏻❤️

i answered the call.

"hey, kiddo." dad's cheery voice said and i greeted him back.

"hey, paps."

"what's up?"

"i wanted to ask you something." i said, a bit nervous.

i didn't always get what i wanted. i had to work for it.

"mhmm? ask away."

"i- you remember the girl i'm always on about?"

"taylor, was it?"


"mhmm. i remember her. and she's in the hospital right?" dad asked in confirmation and i hummed a yes, "is everything okay? how's she catching on?"

"she's been better than before." i said and glanced in the room.

"good. so what was the question?"

"um- well...she has quite of a situation going on at the point and i was wondering if she could...stay with me, with us, for some time until everything is settled?"

i haven't told them about what happened because its not my place to do so and i didn't ask taylor if i could say anything.

"uh-huh. why cant she stay at her house?"

"its...complicated, paps."

"2 months maximum."

i grinned.

"thanks, dad."

"welcome, kiddo."


i'm ending the book☹️

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