Chapter 30

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Credits to Demetra223 <3 for this chapter and the other one also💗 thanks, luv




it has been weeks (7 weeks) and taylor's bones were healing slowly and surely. she has been feeling better.

after some reassurance that valentina has the bills and expenses covered, taylor stayed in the hospital for the treatment and for the daily checkups.

valentina has not once left her side, only to go to school, eat, shower and then back again. she'd sleep on the hospital in a chair beside tay's bed. it was uncomfortable, but anything to stay with her angel.

taylor has been moved to a private room because of valentina's protesting about the shitty service she was getting from the nurses.

taylor tried to tell valentina that she only had a minor problem (her broken arm) but valentina didn't listen.

"taylor?" val whispered softly as she stroked her cheek, "i know you're not asleep, love."

taylor was "sleeping" soundly, having no nightmares and only bright dreams (happy dreams). someone nights/days when she'd be sleeping, she'll have terrible nightmares and wake up with a fright.

"tayyy~" valentina sang, "i have mcdonalds."

taylor's eyes opened at the mention of mcdonalds and valentina chuckled.


taylor has gotten...a bit confident around valentina. she didn't have to worry about valentina insulting her about her tiger stripes nor her weight, nor did she have to worry about valentina telling her that her scars makes me her ugly. she expected the opposite to be honest. taylor expected valentina to be disgusted when she sees her body that was hidden underneath baggy clothes.

it was quite the opposite.

valentina praised her for her body, tell her how beautiful she is, how perfect she is. val praised her for her stretch marks, her scars and her weight. the brunette (she dyed her hair because she wanted to have matching hair colour with taylor) would often kiss taylor, reassuring of her beauty.

once, valentina had to change taylor because she had to take a bath. of course, with taylor's consent, valentina did what she was told to do.

anyways, back to present.

taylor gave valentina a grin and valentina took out the food and started feeding the girl.

over the food, they made a small conversation.

"how was school today?" taylor asks val as she fed her.

"it was...okay to say the least."

"double meaning?"

valentina scrunched up her nose a bit and nodded, "the principal found out that a teacher and a student are having an affair."

taylor gasped, "woah. what did the principal do?"

"fire the teacher and gave them suspension for a month."

taylor nodded slowly and sipped on the drink.

"that must've been embarrassing for them both."

val nodded in agreement.

"but atleast they can now date properly out of school."

taylor didn't answer (she didn't see a reason to) and took the nugget from valentina with her mouth, playfully nipping her finger.

valentina glared at taylor playfully and taylor pecked her cheek.

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