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I'm skipping from time to time, were almost to 7k reads!!!


Growing up I was always around kids, always liked kids. Didn't mind looking after them bc of the feeling of one day I will be holding one of my own.

So I've always had a way with children, even if they're little heathens. Throwing temper tantrums to get their way.

Today is the gender reveal, all our family and friends are flying out to come.

The word got out about my pregnancy and tabloids are going crazy since paparazzi took a picture of us while walking into the store.

My bump was clear in the photos. Hate has been spread on the internet but Jaden has kept me from looking, bc he doesn't want me stressing. But I still had a look.

There's some fans who're on board and are very supportive and then there's mads.

Who's clearly still around and trying to get him back even though he's married and completely off limits.

Our last appointment went well and our baby is healthy and happy.  I'm eight and a half months pregnant and due in November sixteenth and it's October eighteenth.

Jaden and I are currently getting ready, I'm wearing a cute black and white dress with my black hair curled.

Jaden's wearing a black and white flannel with black slacks. I'm currently finishing up my finishing touches to my makeup with Jaden rubbing, talking to my stomach.

"In a couple weeks I'll finally have you in my arms, girl or boy. Either way I'll love you unconditionally" I smile at him when he kisses my stomach again.

I grab his hand and push down on my stomach so he could feel the baby kick. He smiles widely when I move his hand around and push down, leading to multiple kicks.

"Can we have you now" he whines, he's been really impatient since our last appointment, given doctor Grayson gave us the date when I'm due.

"Jae not yet" I kiss his lips, "soon though" I reassure him. He pouts hugging my stomach and nods.

I smile putting everything away and run my hands through his already messy but combed hair.

"Mm that feels good" he hums as my acrilic nails scratch his scalp. He then gets up and helps me put on my shoes.

I'm wearing a cute pair of boots. Once he's done zipping the last one we head out to the the place it's being held.


"Sissy" Sasha yells as soon as we step in the room, she sees Jaden and here eyes light up, "juju!"

She runs as fast as her little legs can take her and into his arms. He lifts her up in his arms as she clings to him.

"Hey princess, miss me" she nods eagerly, "bwue!" she exclaims holding his face.

Jaden smiles closing his eyes teasingly, which leads to Sasha pouting. "No bwue" she tries to get him to open his eyes but he keeps em closed.

"I miss juju's bwue ey- eyes" she pouts. Sasha's learning how to pronounce her words but hasn't fully accomplished most of them.

Just then Jaden peeks one eye open making her eyes shine. He then opens the other one making Sasha clap.

"Yayy bwue" I smile. "I'm thinking she likes you more than me" I pout. " Nuh uh, I love you sissy" Sasha shakes her head looking over at me.

"I love you more sash" she smiles before continuing to talk with Jaden about her learning new words and about her toys.

Just then Jackson walks over, "ness" he hugs me, "wow look at you, you've gotten bigger" I cross my arms, "so you're calling me fat" I joke. He shakes his head.

"What! No" I laugh, responding with I'm just joking. He and I catch up before he goes to talk with Jaden and Sasha.

I smile seeing her play with his hair as Jaden and Jackson talk. It's cute that she has someone to connect with.

Derek always hated kids so when I had to look after Sasha he was cold and mean towards her.
He always told me he never wanted kids  Because all they did was cry.

The entire time was filled with laughs and people gushing over how big I've gotten.

It's now time to reveal what we're having. Jaden and I walk to the three boxes, Jaden opens the first one that just shows black balloons.

Everyone laughs, I open the next one and it's the same thing. After Jaden opens the last one mom leads us to a hug black balloon.

"This better not be another prank" I warn. Mom laughs, "it's not" I nod and she hands me a tac to pop the balloon.

I look to see mom recording it on her phone. I then pop the balloon seeing blue powder fall out I squeal out of happiness and hug Jaden.

We're having a boy!

"It's a boy" Jaden's says shocked. I nod my head tears steaming down.

I rub my stomach. My baby boy


Yayy it's a boy!

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