14. Back to school

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Bright lights shine through the room causing Nessa to whine.

N: daaaddd mm noo turn it off

She whines.

??: good thing I'm not your dad

Causing Nessa to open her eyes seeing her boyfriend. She smiles wide.

N: Jaden!

She practically screams, she gets out of bed quick not realizing she's still hurt. Making Jaden run to her side before she can run to him.

J: Woah, ness slow down

He says holding her waist. But instead of getting a reply she throws her arms around him. Feeling a sudden clinginess.

Jaden freezes but soon holds her tight laughing. They soon pull back and Jaden laughs again.

N: what?

J: miss me that much

Nessa rolls her eyes. But soon nods.

Jaden kisses her deeply while she plays with the hairs on the back of his neck.

J: get ready I'll be downstairs

She nods and gets ready.

---time skip---

Jaden and Nessa pull up to school and Jaden parks before getting out, walking to Nessa's side opening her door.

He opens the back door grabbing her crutches and helps her stand. Once she's out they turn seeing everyone's attention on them, staring at the car.

J: ready babe?

She nods and Jaden kisses her cheek. They walk to school and to Nessa's locker after getting Jaden's books.

Jaden opens her locker and grabs the books she needs holding them along with his. They stand by her locker and wait for the bell to ring.

J: you doin ok baby?

She smiles before nodding.

J: Yeah just hate walking in these

She points to her crutches pouting. He smiles kissing her temple before the bell rings.

He walks her in her class helping her sit down. Once she's seated he crouches.

J: please don't hurt yourself, I'll  pick you up soon

She nods blushing since everyone's attention are on them. Jaden  smiles looking around the room before he kisses her  saying bye once more walking to his class.

The day goes on just fine and now Jaden is picking up Nessa for lunch.

J: hey beautiful

He says handing her, her crutches. She blushes saying hi.

J: ready for lunch

She nods and they head towards the lunch room.

After grabbing their lunches, well Jaden grabbing their lunches they sit at their seat.

B: hey ness how ya feeling?

Bryce knows about everything since Nessa can count on him because he knows that if he says a single word, then Jaden will surely give him a good beating.

N: I could be better

She smiles.

They continue to talk while eating before cleaning up.

J: give me your tray

She smiles handing him her trash before he kisses her and Leaves to throw everything away.


Josh yells as Jaden walks back to Nessa.  Nessa giggles before scolding him.

Jo: Josh I love you and all but you don't have to be Jealous

Everyone laughs.

J: do you love him more than me

Jaden pouts. Nessa turns to him cupping his face.

N: I definitely love you more

He smiles kissing her but the minute their lips touch the bell rings.

Jo: Yes saved by the bell!

Josh yells in victory. Jaden turns to him.

J: shut up man

They all laugh before parting ways.

Jaden and Nessa walk to the stairs.

N: now how the hell am I supposed to go up

Jaden laughs but grabs her crutches in one hand and lifts her small body with the other, catching Nessa off guard making her shriek holding onto his neck.

N: what're you doing Jae

She speaks holding on tighter.

J: relax baby I'm only walking up the stairs

N: yeah but you're carrying me!

Jaden snickers

J: I know that, how else was I supposed to get you to class

After walking the stairs he carefully sets Nessa down and hands her the crutches.

J: see not so bad

Nessa rolls her eyes and heads to her class with Jaden on her tail. Once she's seated Jaden tells her goodbye.

(Skip to the end of the day)

Jaden walks into Nessa's class before they both head downstairs stairs.

With Nessa still in his arms he walks to the car.

N: why aren't you putting me down

She asks

J: because I don't want to

He looks at her. She rolls her eyes.

N: whatever

He shakes his head.

J: you can't be mad at me for wanting to carry my incredibly light but sexy girlfriend can you

He raises a brow. Nessa smiles trying to obtain the pinkness on her cheeks.

N: I guess not

He gives her lips a peck.

J: good

A little shorter since I didn't really have a idea.
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