11. Hospital: contacting Mr and Mrs Lewis

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In honor of 1k reads here's the next update. XOXO 😘


(Jaden's POV)

I'm currently sitting in the waiting room since doctors had to take Nessa in to surgery an hour ago.

I'm sitting with Kell's and Megan, the entire waiting room is filled with people for Nessa. While Kell's is pacing back and forth.

MGK: so you just found her there?

He questions again.
He stops pacing. I nod.

J: Yeah. Everyday I walk her to and from class and once the day was over I went to her last class to see she wasn't there. But I heard some girls whispering outside when I went to look. Mads wanted her friends to hurt your daughter, because I'm not dating her. So as I was walking a loud scream rang in my ears. So I ran, into an alley and seen her on the floor.

I explained it again. He nods. I decide to call Mrs Lewis.

"Mrs Lewis"
"Jaden sweetheart is that you"
"Yes ma'am it's me"
"Is everything alright dear"
"Can you come to the hospital please"

I hang up after she says goodbye before walking back to the seat's.

D: Family of Mrs Baker?

Everyone stands up. Literally everyone in the waiting room

Kell's grabs Megan's hand walking to the doctor bringing me with them.

D: relation?

MGK: I'm her father and this is her mother

He points to Megan. The doctor looks at me.

D: and you?

J: oh I'm her-

But Kell's and Megan cut me off.

MGK+ M: fiance

They say together. My eyes go wide.


but Megan's look tells me to go along with it.

I look back to the doctor who just nods.

D: well your daughter is currently in the ICU. Surgery was successful, we had to fix her ribs and leg. She has a cast on her leg from the impact. She's currently asleep, you can visit her whenever you'd like. She's in room 120.

He walks away after we all say our thank you's.

M: ready?

She looks up at me. I gulp but nod my head.

We walk to the room and I see a cut up Nessa.

My baby

Kell's pushes me to go first but I stop shaking my head. She should be with her parents after the trauma.

MGK: It's alright. She's gonna wanna be with you, you found her. Explain everything to her. Get her side of the story.

I hesitate but he pushes me in. I stumble but catch myself. I walk over to see her sleeping figure. My heart breaks at the sight of her bruised face to her broken leg.

I sit in the chair next to the bed and hold her hand. I then begin to speak while staring at the ground.

J: you really scared me. I hate that you didn't let me know you went to see her. I was scared shit less. The second I realized I loved you, you became my priority. My weakness. Baby I- I love you more than myself and I can't bare to lose you.

I feel a hand squeeze mine.

Nessa's POV

"you really scared me. I hate that you didn't let me know you went to see her. I was scared shit less. The second I realized I loved you, you became my priority. My weakness. Baby I- I love you more than myself and I can't bare to lose you."

I hear the voice that sounds like Jaden. I'm tryingy to pry my eyes open and the second I do I squeeze his hand. I look at his wrecked state.

He looks my way and his eyes go wide. I try to speak but my mouth is dry. He hands me some water and helps me sit up putting the bottle letting me drink from it.

Once I finish half of it he lays me gently back down.

N: I'm sorry I should've told you but i didn't and I didn't mean to scare you. I just- I thought she was going to apologize but she didn't. Instead she got her people to gang up on me.

I continue on rambling. Once I shut up I look up to see him staring.

J: baby-

But the door cuts him off.

Not much in here. Drama will be in the next.

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