Chapter Thirteen - The 'Great Escape' and Return

Start from the beginning

"As it happens, I took our list of recent Galra attacks and analysed it for both commonalities and anomalies among the attack sites. I was hoping to create an algorithm that would, within a statistically acceptable margin of error, provide a list of target-rich Galra environments - colour coded, of course. Because what are we, animals?", she finished, leaving everyone looking slightly dazed by the amount of information she had just given us, but soon turned to look at the supposed 'algorithm' she was showing us. 

"Cool!", Lance exclaimed as he folded his arms and took a closer look. My eyes, too, widened at the amount of detail and effort that had been put into this by none other than our tech-savvy group member. "What is it again?", he then asked Hunk quietly, presumably to make sure Keith didn't taunt him for being confused as to what it was. 

"It's a Galra finder?", Hunk stated, although unsure his answer was correct. I turned my head to Pidge, knowing she'd have a proper answer for us, even though I did understand the basics of what she had said. Everyone else, however, kept their eyes locked on the screen, still scanning every inch of the algorithm. 

"Well, 'finder' suggests that it locates the Galra, whereas it would be more accurate to say that my model predicts their likeliest...", she trailed off as she looked our way, noticing that everyone was now facing in her direction, blinking in both confusion and annoyance of how long-winded and technical her explanations were growing to be today.

She turned her head to the side, a pout sliding onto her face as she said quietly, "Fine. It's a Galra finder,", making everyone turn away and focus back onto the screen. In all honesty, I did feel a little bad that we had cut Pidge off, but I have a feeling that, if we hadn't, she would still be talking an hour later. 

"So, where are the Galra?", Lance questioned. A circle appeared on the screen around a certain area, highlighting what appeared to be a planet.

"The nearest ones are right here. A planet called Taujeer,", she told us, keeping her explanation short and simple. At that, Shiro turned around, most likely to announce something to the group. 

"Then that's where we're headed,", he said simply, followed by, "Everyone should get some sleep. Tomorrow, we'll find that Galra fleet and take it out,", and everyone began filing out of the room in a group, everyone heading to their respective rooms, leaving Keith and Shiro behind. 

Upon noticing they hadn't left yet, I stood outside the control room and waited, aware that Keith still seemed different than usual. As the doors closed, I heard Shiro asking Keith if everything was okay, but that was all I heard before the doors fully closed. 

Picking at the skin around my nails, I thought about what could be wrong with him. he, of course, was blaming himself for being the reason the Galra are tracking us, but that clearly wasn't the case. It could be various other reasons, including me if we're being honest. I was in the Galra's clutches for a long time and, even if I don't remember any experiments happening, it's not enough evidence to run on to rule that chance out. 

I'm broken away from my wandering mind when the doors slid open again, and Keith walked out slowly with a frown on his face. Scurrying behind him, I quickly manage to catch up to him and grab his hand. He stopped in his tracks, turning and staring me dead in the eye before looking at his feet. 

"What do you want?", he almost whispered, returning his hand to his side. 

"I just wanted to check in on you. I know you're blaming yourself for a lot right now, but there's no reason for you to be blamed. Keith, it's not you. I know that better than anyone, okay?", I stated, and paused to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear, making him look up from the ground.

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