"No, I won't relax."

"Am I allowed to at least grab water from the fridge? Or do you feel threatened by that too?"

" I don't know, should I be?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes and began walking towards Yoongi's bedroom door, until Yoongi blocked it. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I can't check on them? You're standing right here what do you think will happen?"

"I think you've done enough Namjoon. I already told you, leave them alone."

Without saying anything, Namjoon turned and made his way back up into the bedroom he was staying in and slammed the door shut.

Yoongi decided he was going to stay up all night, he wouldn't dare fall asleep. He just had to make it through this last night and they'd be out of there by tomorrow evening. He began brewing multiple cups of coffee to help him stay awake, and he sat back on the couch while turning the TV on to scroll through channels.

Morning came in the blink of an eye, because Yoongi had fallen asleep. He shot awake sitting up on the couch. It was still pretty early, around 7 AM.


He jumped off the couch and ran to the bedroom, opening the door to see everyone still asleep in the bed. Everyone except Taehyung.

Where the hell is Taehyung?!

He nervously shook Jin awake, not wanting to wake the others up.

"Jin, Jin," he whispered. Jin looked at him with groggy eyes. "Where did Taehyung go?" Yoongi asked.

"He said he needed some air so he was going...uh...outside. Is everything okay? Is he missing?" Panic shot through Jin. He was too tired earlier to register in that moment that Taehyung said he was going outside. They had previously agreed for everyone to use a buddy system for the rest of the time there, Jin forgot, and also forgot to tell Taehyung that.

Jin and Yoongi both got up and ran into the kitchen, both about to run outside when they were overcome with relief when they could see Taehyung through the window peacefully sitting in the grass, watching the river.

"I'll go check on him." Jin suggested Yoongi go sit down and try to relax, he could tell he'd been extremely stressed out.

Jin walked up to Taehyung to find him crying, without saying anything he embraced him in a hug and they sat like that for a while.

Jin finally spoke up. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Taehyung hesitated for a moment. "I gave up," he replied through tears.

"Gave up on what?"

"On him. He wouldn't have drowned if I hadn't given up on him." Taehyung was sobbing.

"What are you talking about? How did you give up on him? You saved him. And also almost drowned while doing it. Is that your definition of giving up?"

"I gave up Jin. I couldn't do it anymore, and I just gave up! I was going to let us die!"

"Taehyung-ahh! Your body gave up, that doesn't mean you did! You did all you could with all the strength you had. You were drowning too and still focused on saving him. Give yourself some credit will you?"

Jin's words sat with Taehyung for a little bit, he didn't have a reply, but he knew Jin did have a point. Some of the guilt he was holding on to started to ease.

"Do you want to help me make breakfast? We also have a lot to do today, we have to clean up the place and pack before we leave." Jin grabbed Taehyung's hand and led him back into the house.

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