30. Test to prove

Start from the beginning

Will he?

"We do not have all day!" Jimin turns back and inhaled, he cleared his mind and exhale to answer.

"Love." Everyone gasped, Yoongi tilt his head to the side to see Jimin's face.

"Why?" Jimin smiles and turns around to Yoongi and his smile grows bigger.

"Because the one I love is all I want and loyalty starts with him." Yoongi smiles and looks away immediately. Jimin turns back to the ministers and they looked very shocked.

"Is that all?" Jimin asked, he looked if anyone will ask any more questions after this. But no one dared to ask anything to him, they kept looking at each other before they looked at Yoongi who walked toward Jimin and stopped behind him. Jimin inhaled the scent of Yoongi's scent, who gently placed his hand on Jimin's back.

"Then we are done with the test? Did my queen pass?" The ministers stayed quiet.

"Yes, he has," Yoongi smirked, he reached for Jimin's waist and pulled him closer.

"Then we shall excuse ourselves. Dismiss." With that Yoongi grabbed Jimin and walked away.

"But, my Lord-" Yoongi shushed Jimin while dragging him away from the hallway. The maids' bows when they passed them and later they ended up in their garden which Jimin created.

"Yoongi-" Yoongi paused Jimin with a kiss and refused to let him go now, Jimin on the other hand, tries to free himself but later one gives in.

"You were amazing!" Yoongi chirped after breaking the kiss, it was the first time Jimin saw Yoongi being so happy.

"I have tried my best to answer them properly, love." Yoongi's smile grows wider. He crosses his arms and steps back a little.

"So, in celebration what does my queen wants to do?" Jimin hums and taps his chin, pretending to think.

"Can we visit somewhere else? Palace is giving me a headache.." Yoongi laughs but nods while agreeing with Jimin.

"Sure, my love. I shall order the guards to prepare a carriage for us to visit some places." Jimin halt himself from squealing but he smiled the brightest.

"Thank you so much, my lord."

"Uh-huh. No calling me that from now." Yoongi steps closer to Jimin and placed a kiss near his ear before whispering

"Only call me lovely things, love." Jimin blushed but nodded as Yoongi steps back and grabbed Jimin's hand.

"We shall prepare ourselves for the small journey. shall we?" Jimin nods.

"We shall."

/  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /

'What have you said?'

"The boy passed the test and now he can get to be the queen. The king won't accept any kind of words with us on the term of the queen!"

The mysterious person shifts in their seat as the other one explains what happened in that hall room today.

"We tried our best to make an absurd question but he answered it like it was nothing!"

"We can not accept this!"

"We must find a way to get rid of this-"

The mysterious person draws his sword and almost sliced the minister's head but stopped and the edge only touched the minister's throat.

'What did you say?'

"W-We have to g-get rid of h-him..."

The mysterious person tilts the sword as it draws blood from the minister's skin.

'What have I told you? HUH!'

"We need to get him..away from the king and...the palace.."


The mysterious person walks away from the minister and throws his sword on the floor.

'I need him alive...I need him wrapped around my hands... I can't let some idiot have him...I need him..'

'Go away...GET THE FUCK OUT!'

The mysterious person drops on his seat and sighs, he pulls out a ribbon from his sleeves and plays with it.

'You don't have any idea...how much I want you...but decided to be with him...'

He grits his teeth while clenching his fist around the ribbon.

'Soon you will be mine...only mine.'

'My sweet Jiminie.'


This mysterious person is already revealed in the chapters so prepare yourselves when I will leave some hints and finally reveal who is the one behind this character ☺

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