27. Is that an....

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Jimin's parents and Jimin went to the other room to discuss the king's sudden proposal.

Yoongi was somewhat nervous because he respects Jimin's parents and now their say will fix his whole future. He knows that Jimin wants to be with him until death departs them but he doesn't want to disappoint Jimin's parents even though he is the king.

Meanwhile, Jimin was having a silent treatment from his parents who were surprised and confused about the whole topic.

"Jimin." Jimin's father starts while hesitate to ask about this because he is scared to disobey the king's wishes.

"Yes, father." Jimin's mother glance at her husband before walking to her son. She gently traces Jimin's face before smiling at him.

"You grew up beautifully in here. The king must have taken care of you a lot." Jimin holds his mother's hand and kisses them.

"He did everything for me, mother." Jimin's mother's smile fades and a confused look clouded her face.

"Can I ask you something?" Jimin nods without any hesitation. Jimin's mother inhaled before asking the question which was circling her mind.

"Do...do you like his majesty?" Jimin wanted to yell yes but he contained himself and smiled sweetly at his mother.

"Yes, mother. I do like him a lot." Jimin's mother was somewhat surprised and confused.

"You know that ..he is the king...and we are-"

"He likes me too...a lot." Jimin cuts in and defends himself. Jimin's mother glance at her husband who sighs loudly.

"Son, he is a royal and we are his subjects ...mere peasants...try to understand that we are not-"

"Equal. I know but... He does not care about it, father. He knows who I am and where I came from..he knows and I know what he thinks of me...he wants me as much as I want him."Jimin's mother yanks his arm to force him to look at her.

"Have you lost your mind, Jimin! You can not just marry a king out of nowhere! What will the kingdom think about you!" Jimin looks down at his arm before slowly taking it back.

"I will handle that, mother. I know what I will face and I am ready to face any difficulties for my king." Jimin stays firm to his choice.

"The kingdom will not accept you, Jimin! They will do bad to you!" Jimin's father nearly raised his voice and almost stormed to Jimin until...

'Am I interrupting?'

A sweet voice interrupts the family and three of them turned to see who it is.

The queen stood by the entrance with her fan covering half of her face. She was in a fascinating baby blue hanbok with gold details all around it.

"My lady..." Jimin quickly bows at her, his parents followed soon after him. The queen quietly giggled and removed her fan to greet her guest.

"Please do not bow at me. I will not be the queen anymore." Both Jimin's parents were surprised.

"Have the king selected a queen, my lady?" The queen nods and walks towards Jimin. Jimin stared at her, she always looks amazing even at this age.

"Yes, he did. That is why you are here to talk with me." Jimin was shocked to hear that, he didn't know that Yoongi told his mother to talk to his parents.

"Us? My lady..." Jimin's mother asks, hoping that she is wrong.

"Yes, indeed. My, Jiminie we need to shape your hair before the ceremony." The queen ignores their confused look and gets busy with Jimin.

"My lady, I think the king is making a mistake while choosing Jimin as a queen." The queen immediately stopped and turn to them.

"Why? Why do you think my son has made a bad decision?" The queen questions directly at Jimin's parents which made them uneasy.

"My lady, our son doesn't have any qualifications to be a queen!" Jimin's father argues back while staring at Jimin who was behind the queen.

"How do you know that? Have you seen him in the palace? He has the heart of kindness." The queen defend Jimin who was surprised because the queen never saw him working.

"My lady, please consider this-"

"I only wish to give him a perfect life. He has fancied my son and as the queen, I will only hand my position over to him." The queen declares which shut both Jimin's parents' mouths.

"My lady.." Jimin calls while glancing at his parents.

"You are the perfect queen for the king. The other half for this kingdom. Your beauty can not be compared to any other." The queen strokes Jimin's cheek.

"My lady, can we talk to our son?" Jimin's mother requested what the queen allows before leaving the room.

Jimin was scared, scared that his parents will be against it, he was excepting a slap or yelling from his parents but instead of those, he was hugged by his mother. His mother was crying as she buries her face into his chest.

"Are you...are you certain that the king loves you, Jimin?" She asked, sobbing hard as her tears blur her vision.

"Yes, I am certain." Jimin wipes the tears away as his mother sighs.

"Then, who are we to stop you from loving." Jimin's eyes sides when his mother said that with a smile on her face.

"Mother..." he looks up to his father who also gives a hesitant nod.

"Are you allowing me to...marry the king!" Jimin's mother nods and kisses his forehead.

"As long as you are happy and healthy, we will allow you anything." Jimin smiles widely and hugs his mother.

"Thank you so much, mother! And father!" Jimin's father joins them too. Jimin can't hide his happiness because he thought his parents will be against it and make him leave the palace and the king but they only want his happiness.

That's all he wants

/  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /

Later that day, Jimin send his parents away and he was happy to meet the king on the training field. He wished that he will send Jimin's parents off but some work came in and he had to leave.

After sending his parents, Jimin ran to the training field to meet the king, he was waiting for this moment and the moment is now.

He saw the king with his sword in his hands, staring at the sky with his high ponytail, waving along with the wind. His eyes were fixed in the sky as he closes them to reopen them again.

"My Lord!" Jimin calls and quickly Yoongi turns to Jimin who excitedly ran to him and collapsed in Yoongi's arms.

"Have they left?" Jimin nods and leans in for a kiss which the king never disappoints the other. The kiss was small and filled with love.

"What did they say, petal?" Jimin smiles and brings Yoongi's head to connect with his.

"They allowed it." Yoongi hugged back and stayed like that, he was so scared that he might have to let Jimin go if his parents disagreed. But now, he can keep him, more likely, he can have him as his partner

"I love you so much," Yoongi mumbles while hugging Jimin who kept playing with Yoongi's hair.

"I love you more than my life." Yoongi pauses and cups Jimin's face.

"Do not say that." Jimin giggles and kissed Yoongi's nose.

"You are my everything now, honey. My moon, my sun, my stars, and my world."

"Park Jimin.." Jimin hums.

"You are amazing."


Well, ain't that cute and sweet?

Anyway, I have published a new book so go and check it out as well.

Thank you for reading! 💜

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