Note from author

52.1K 1K 270

Hey guys!! I can't begin to explain how happy I am that so many people have read my story! Truth be told i actually started this as a joke and thought that this would go nowhere and my friends kept telling me to do it because it's amazing, so I finally did, at first I thought that I would get zero reads and it would be horrible but here I am with 1.3K reads! I still can't believe that it's over! Everyone made me so happy with their votes and comments, I legit cried whilst posting the last chapter and hitting the button of complete story. If anyone is interested I am working on another two books to post here, they're both about mafias but one involves a bit of magic, so if you're interested I'll be posting them soon! Anyways I just wanted to thank you so much for sticking around and reading sold to the mafia! Thank youu!!

Sold to the MafiaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang