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Dante POV:

"You should go and get some rest, it's one in the morning already; you haven't slept in two days, ever since Ella got kidnapped" Alessandro said.

"I'm not going to bed till I have Ella back in my arms" I said, looking through endless sheets of papers.

"I get it; you're worried, but you need to get some rest. This won't get Ella back, and drinking your sorrows away won't either" he said, pointing to the second empty vodka bottle, I had on my desk.

"You think I don't know? I do it so I don't have to remember all the shit full things that have happened so far! So, I can put my mind on other things, and drinking helps" I shouted.

"Then get your shit together and actually do something!" he shouted.

"I'm trying, but that asshole left no trace of where he could be holding her" I yelled, slamming my hands on the table.

"Whatever, it's not like you'll listen to me; I have a question though" he said.

"Che cosa?" I asked. (What?)

"Do you love her?" he asked.

"Why the fuck would you even ask that?" I yelled.

"Stop lying to yourself Dante, you never cared about someone this much, even if this were one of your most trusted men you wouldn't stay up till this hour trying to find them, you would just let them die by the hands of your mortal enemy. So, why? Why are you trying so hard to find her and get her back?" he asked.

"Because-" he cut me off.

"Because you love her. But you won't admit it, because you're afraid; afraid of falling in love, because of your father" he said.

"That isn't true, I don't love her, I never did, and I never will. Now get the fuck out of my office!" I yelled.

"Sure, just keep lying to yourself then" he said, before leaving.

Ella POV:

"Wake up!" someone yelled, smacking me hard across the face.

"What?" I asked, slowly opening my eyes.

"Boss told me to wake you up, someone will come to talk to you in a few minutes, so be ready" the man said.

"By talk, you mean hurt me, right?" I asked.

"Seems like you're getting used to this" he said, with a smirk.

"Why?" I asked.

"Hmm?" he asked, turning around before leaving.

"Why, are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you?" I asked.

"Its's not what you did, it's what your fiancé did to Marco" he replied.

"What did Dante do to Marco?" I asked.

"That is none of your concern" he said, as he left.

Dante, help me...

I have been here for three days now, the abuse never stopped, they haven't fed me either, they only gave me a few sips of water yesterday. My whole-body aches in pain, I can feel blood seep out from my right side; they stabbed me there yesterday. I wish this was all a dream, that I never met Dante, that I was still getting abused by my father, and that I was working two jobs, because if I never met Dante, this would never be happening. Marco is worse than my father, my father only hit me with his bare fists, he never stabbed me or made me bleed this badly.

I suddenly heard footsteps approach 'my room'. Great, another half an hour of getting beaten up. The door crept open, and a man walked in. Shock and fear appeared on my face when I saw that the man who just entered wasn't just some guy ordered by Marco to beat me up, it was Marco himself. What could he want? And why is he here?

"Good morning, Ella" he said, with a smirk.

"What do you want?" I asked. He ignored my question and walked closer to me, he unchained my arms and pulled me to the ground and left me there.

"Why did you unchain me? Aren't you afraid I'll try and escape?" I asked. He just laughed.

"Escape? How are you supposed to do that? You can't even stand up on your own two feet, and even if you were to stand up and somehow get past me, you'll have to fight a lot of men, and if you could do that, which is impossible you wouldn't be able to find your way back home. Wait let me rephrase that, you can't find your way back home" he replied.

"What do you mean, by I can't find my way back? I can ask for directions" I said. He laughed again.

"How? We're not even in Italy" he said, with a smirk.

"W-what?" I asked, in disbelief. "Then where are we?"

"In France" he said.

"France?" I mumbled.

"Yes Ella, we're in your home country" he said, as he grabbed my chin.

"You know Dante's lucky to have you, you're pretty and extremely kind. You're like his weakness" he said, letting go of my face and punching me.

"Stop, please..." I pleaded, holding back tears.

"Why would I do that?" he asked, pulling out a small, yet sharp knife.

"I... I never did anything to you" I said, letting a tear escape.

"You're right, you never did anything to me, but your fiancé did" he said, sliding the knife across my stomach.

Blood, a lot of it, started seeping through my already bloody shirt. I screamed and tried to stop him, but he pinned my arms to the ground so I couldn't do anything but scream, as he held both my arms and hurt me with the other. After ten minutes of him cutting me with the knife, he stood up and cleaned his knife with a clean white cloth. I just stayed there, lying on the floor, pressing my chest close to me with my arms holding them tightly. Tears never stopped running down my cheeks, but I was in too much pain to stop them.

"Goodbye, Ella" he said.

"What did Dante do to you?" I yelled. He quickly turned around to face me.

"Why would I tell you? Dante should be the one to tell you of all the mistakes he did" he replied.

I took a deep breath, "I may never see Dante again, I might even die by your hands, so just tell me. Just tell me why you're making me pay for his mistakes!" I shouted, with tears in my eyes.

"Fine... you're right, because you're never going to see Dante again, so I might as well tell you" he said.

Author's note:

Sorry for such a short chapter, but the next chapters are longer so bare with me. I hope you're enjoying this story xx

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