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Dante POV:

I was furious. Could he have won? How did he even get to her? I have men everywhere. I ripped the note and ran out the door, into the main lounge, where a lot of my men were drinking, laughing, and having a great time. They didn't even have a clue that Marco came in and took Ella and that made me even more furious. Alessandro was there too, laughing along with them.

"I'm going to fucking torture you all till you wish you were never born, and you'll never see daylight again on your fucking blinding eyes" I screamed. They all looked at me with confused looks.

"What's happened to you? Come, have a drink" Alessandro said, handing me a glass of wine.

"I'll tell you what fucking happened, Marco came in here and took Ella. Now either one of you speaks and tell me how he got in or I'll put a fucking bullet in between your fucking blind eyes" I shouted, when Camilla walked in.

"Perché stai urlando?" Camilla asked. (Why are you shouting?)

"I'll tell you why I'm shouting, Marco just got Ella" I replied.

"Che cosa?" Camilla asked, with shock all over her face.

"How do you even know?" she asked.

"He left a fucking note, that he won and that he kept his fucking promise" I replied.

"Then, what do we do? How do we get her back?" Camilla asked.

"I don't know, I don't even know here he's keeping her" I replied.

"We have to find her! Ella is in so much danger!" Camilla shouted.

Ella POV:

I woke up. But I didn't feel the sun's warmth on face, which means, I'm not in Dante's room! I shot up from the bed, but quickly got pulled back and slammed my back against the bed, there were chains around my arms. Where am I? What am I doing here? Should I scream for help? Or will it make it worse? I was wearing one of Dante's shirts, because I love sleeping in them, they're big and comfortable. The room I was in wasn't big and it was lit by only one bulb at the ceiling, and the bed I was on, was extremely uncomfortable. The chains were really tight and were hurting my wrists, and the deep cuts on my wrists weren't making it any better either. I suddenly heard footsteps heading towards the room I was in. I pretend to be asleep. And that's when someone walked in, I was terrified, who was this? Could this be my dad? No, he hates me, that's why he sold me after all. I wish Dante were here...

"Wake up!" Someone shouted. I pretended not to hear the person. I realized that the person who just spoke to me was a man, because of his deep voice.

"I said, wake up!" he said, pulling my arm and slapping me.

I let out a scream, and opened my eyes, to be met by Marco, the man who tried to kill Dante. He was still tightly holding onto my arm.

"Let me go!" I screamed. I shouldn't have screamed, so why did I?

"Don't worry I won't hurt you- maybe" he said, with a chuckle, but it wasn't a soft and cute chuckle like Dante's, it was evil and terrifying.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"I want to hurt you, just like Dante hurt me. I want to make him feel pain and misery for all he did to me" he replied, tightening his grip on my arm even more.

"But why?" I asked.

"That doesn't concern you" he said, letting go of my arm, and stepping across of me.

"Then why am I here?" I asked, pulling on my chains.

"I already told you, I want to make Dante hate everything he did to me, and make him feel it by hurting you, the one he cares a lot for. I wonder how much he'll risk just to save you, or what if just doesn't try? Or gives up, because you're not worth it" he said, with an evil grin.

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