His hard choice

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Hey guys! So there's a song at the top and I'll tell you later on when you start playing it. Don't start it now please cause it's kind of a spoiler, thank you, and I hope you enjoy!

"You're pregnant?" Dante asked, with his eyes wide open.

"I didn't know how to tell you, I'm sorry" I said.

"Ella-" Dante said, but I cut him off.

"I'm sorry, you're probably mad I kept this from you for a whole month" I replied, holding back tears.

"Why would I be mad? I'm very happy that we're starting our own family" Dante said, hugging me.

"Can we please talk now?" my dad asked.

"Sure, I don't feel like arguing with you anymore" I said, as Dante helped me to the couch.

"I'll leave you two alone so you can talk, whilst I go and get someone to clean this up" Dante said, kissing my forehead and leaving.

"So, start talking" I said, crossing my arms, as he took a seat on the couch next to me.

"Ella, I don't expect you to forgive me at all, because I made your life a living hell and I'm to blame for all of it. I should've never blamed you for your mother's death, because it definitely wasn't your fault, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for abusing you, for hitting you every time you tried helping me when I came home drunk as hell, I know you just wanted to help and I have no clue why you wanted to help me because I ruined your life, I abused you, I sold you and made your life hell" my dad said.

"You never spoke about maman" I said. (mum)

"What do you want to know about her?" he asked.

"What did she look like?" I asked.

"She was extremely beautiful, she had long curly black hair, and crystal blue eyes, she reminded me of an angel every time I looked into her eyes. I never regret anything about running to France with her or getting her pregnant because then we had another angel, you" my dad replied, with a smile on his face.

"You never told me how she died" I said.

"Yeah, I never did" he said, looking away from me.

"Why?" I asked, making him look back at me.

"Because it was too brutal and to tell you, it would've broken you" he replied.

"Dad, I'm twenty-two, I can handle it, please, tell me" I said.

"Fine," he said, taking a deep breath in. I could see his eyes well up with teas already. "She was kidnapped by an Italian mafia leader, she was abused and raped many times and then the leader killed her after a month of abuse and rape"

"W-what? Which Italian mafia leader dad?" I asked.

"I don't know, I never met him or saw him, all I know is his name, the man's name of who kidnapped her" my dad said.

"What's his name dad?" I asked again this time with spite and anger.

"Rodrigo Rossi" he replied.

"R-Rossi?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, why?" my dad asked.

"No reason. Listen I need to go and talk to Dante, you can stay or leave, I don't really care!" I said, as I ran off to Dante's office.

"Dante!" I yelled, running into his office, trying to catch my breath.

"What? What's wrong?" he asked, looking up at me, from the papers on his desk.

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