The Russian Mafia

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Dante POV:

"We should negotiate and if he doesn't listen, we kill him" a man suggested.

"What if he has men all over his place? That would mean a whole war would be created between the Italian mafia and the Russian Mafia" Alessandro mentioned.

"Alessandro's right, war with the Russian mafia is the last thing we want" I said.

"Then what do we do, boss?" a man asked me.

"We talk and see if we can see eye to eye with each other and join forces" I replied.

"Sure, then the meeting with them is next Saturday, right?" Alessandro asked.

"Yeah, tell them to be here at seven" I said, standing up.

"Meeting dismissed" I added. Everyone stood up and walked out, expect Alessandro.

"Do you need something?" I asked him.

"You do know that your wedding is in two weeks, right?" Alessandro said.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Nothing, it just feels like everything is going so well; your father is dead, Marco disappeared after the attack and we're about to join forces with the Russian Mafia. I don't know, it just all feels so weird that everything is going great" he said.

"Isn't that a good thing?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just- I don't know. Forget I ever said anything, I'm just going to go" he said, walking out. I decided not to think about what Alessandro told me and went to talk to Ella.

Ella POV:

I was in the library reading when the doors opened. I turned round and saw Dante walk in.

"Oh, hey" I said, with a smile.

"Hey, I need to talk to you about the wedding" he said.

"Mhm, what is it?" I asked.

"Who's going to be your maid of honour? Because I chose Alessandro as my best man, and I wanted to know who you're putting as your maid of honour" he replied.

"I picked Camilla, but I still haven't asked her to actually be my maid of honour" I said.

"Then go ask her, because we need to go and buy her a dress to match with Alessandro's" he said.

"Oh okay, let me go ask her then" I said, placing the book back. I started walking out when he grabbed my arm, I turned round.

"Hmm?" I asked.

He pulled me towards him, and he pressed his lips against mine, and I kissed him back. My hand wrapped around his neck and his hands wrapped around my waist. After a few seconds I pulled away.

"I should go ask her now" I mumbled. He nodded and I ran out.

I ran to the main lounge where Camilla was and there were a few men as well, along with Alessandro, they were all sitting around a large table.

"Hey girl" Camilla said, facing me.

"Hey, we need to talk" I said, sitting down next to her.

"Is it good news or bad?" she asked.

"No, good actually. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my maid of honour." I said. Her face suddenly lit up and her eyes widened.

"Oh my god, sì, sì" she shrieked. Suddenly Dante came walking up to the table and sat across me, which was next to Alessandro.

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