The end of our story...

Start from the beginning

Till we meet again, Bellissima...

What? What the hell did he mean by that!? Was he leaving me? No, he can't, he can't leave me, not on my birthday of all days! I grabbed the paper and ran downstairs to the main lounge.

"Lia, there you are!" my father said.

"Dad, I need my motorcycle key, now!" I yelled, as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"What? Lia what is going on!?" my father asked.

"He can't leave me! Give me the key!" I yelled.

"Leave you? Lia, what are you talking about?" my father asked.

"I couldn't save mum on the day of her shooting, but I'm not going to make the same mistake with him, I'm going to save Matteo, I love him too much to let him go" I said.

"Here" my mum said, as she handed me the key.

"Thank you, mum" I said, as I ran out.

I ran out to the driveway and just like my mother had said, the motorcycle was there parked for me to use. I put on the helmet, hopped on, and drove to the airport, that was the first place that came to my mind when I thought he would actually leave me. I drove faster than the speed limit, but I didn't care, all I care about is convincing Matteo to stay and not leave me. I made it to the airport in ten minutes, I parked outside and ran inside. I ran to the one of the women at the desks who helps you check in, and asked her which planes take-off in the next minutes.

"Only one due to a mishap we had today, it's leaving for Spain in two minutes, but I can't check you in because you're too late, I' sorry" the woman said.

"No, that's completely fine, thank you" I said, as I ran up the stairs.

I ran to the windows that looked out to where the planes take-off and just like that woman said, the plane was about to take-off. In a blink of an eye, the plane shot to the sky, it was gone and so was Matteo...

"Why...? Why did you leave me...?" I mumbled as tears filled my eyes again.

"Who left you, Bellissima?" a voice asked from behind me.

Only one person calls me that-

"MATTEO!" I yelled as I ran up to him and jumped on him and he caught me in a hug.

"Happy 21st birthday, Bellissima" Matteo said, as he put me down and stared into my eyes.

"Were you really going to leave me?" I asked with a broken voice.

"I would never leave you, I promise" he reassured me.

"I love you" I mumbled.

"I love you too, Bellissima" he said, as he pecked my lips.

We stood in each other's arms in silence when he finally spoke.

"Marry me" Matteo said abruptly.

"Yes!" I shrieked.

* * * *

Start the song from here:

"Will you Matteo Bianchi take Lia as your wife to have and to hold till death do you part" the priest asked.

"I do" Matteo replied, as he slid the ring on my finger.

"And do you Lia Romano take Matteo as your husband to have and to hold till death do you part" the priest asked.

"I do" I replied, as I slid the ring on Matteo's finger.

"Then with the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may kiss your bride" the priest said.

Matteo grabbed my waist and pressed his lips against mine and everyone clapped.

"Come on, let's take a family photo so when you have kids you can show them this amazing day" my mum said, pulling my arm and my father's arm and Matteo followed right after.

"We just got married and you're already thinking about kids?" I asked my mum, as Matteo, my dad, my mum, and I got ready for our photo to be taken.

"Of course, and I want five grandchildren" my mum said, with a chuckle.

"Sure" I said, as I rolled my eyes, and everyone laughed.

Ella POV:




If I learned one thing from being in the mafia is that family doesn't have to be by blood but by loyalty...

It's those who stick by you in your good days and bad days...

Those who swear to protect you...

Yes, to some people mafia means danger and murder. But to me it means family...

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