What if Hyun had never been accused of his crimes

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Y/n's pov

"Dad, you really need to work on your Japanese," I say. "It's terrible."

"My Japanese is fine, what are you talking about?" he asks grabbing a cookie from the cookie jar on the cafe counter. "My Japanese is perfect, you better not lose your Korean talking all this Japanese."

"How about the both of you stop eating all the sweets," my mom says. "You know that Hoshiko and her son are going to be here soon and those are his favourite cookies."

"You can't fool me," I say. "Wakatoshi doesn't even like cookies. We can eat all the cookies we want to."

"Yeah, justice for us," my dad says attempting to grab another cookie only for his hand to be smacked away by dear mother. "God, I love it when you pretend to not like me."

"You guys sicken me," I say. "Gross, I want to bleach my eyes."

"You'll find some poor soul to torment too," she says.

"Nah," I say. "All the guys at my school are ugly anyway."

"You gotta go find a guy in a gym," my dad says. "You'll find a guy there, go and try."

"I'm not going shopping for a boyfriend," I say. "I don't need a boyfriend."

"Come on Y/n, you're eighteen years old and you've never even kissed someone," my dad laughs, loudly. "You're a loser."

"I am not," I say. "I am just doing my school, you're the loser. And I've kissed a guy, remember that guy with the bed head, Kuroo? I kissed him."

"Hoshiko," my mother nods her head. "It's always nice to see you."

Ah yes, the scary women always love to socialize together.

"Marigold," she nods her head. "Likewise. Y/n, how are you?"

"I'm good," I nod my head. "Nice to see you too. How's life been? I bet you missed me."

"We saw you yesterday," Waktoshi says.

"And I know you missed me," I say. "So Wakatoshi, walk with me, talk with me, we need to catch up."

Truth be told, I don't need to do boyfriend shopping because I'm sure to always have my besties browsing the market for me.

"I suppose you want to know if I've had any luck in finding you a boyfriend, am I correct?" he asks the moment we leave the cafe.

"You are," I nod my head. "So tell me, have you found anyone worth my while?"

"No," he says.

"Really?" I ask. "No one, no one at all? No guys that are even a little bit okay?"

"Well... A new teammate, Kageyama his name was, mentioned that one of his former teammates had a thing for dinosaurs..."

"I'm sold, take me to him right now," I say. "Right now, I need to see this man."

"He works at Sendai museum," he says.

"Okay, let's go," I say. "To the museum, I need to meet my future husband."

"I'll drop you off."


Okay, I'm bored, I don't even know which guy he was talking about. I also didn't think about how I could possibly start a conversation.

"That's an Ankylosaurus," a guy says.

"Ah, so that's how you pronounce it," I nod my head. "I've been trying to figure that out for the past ten minutes."

"What, can't read?" he asks.

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