Taehyung tilted his head, a small smirk on his lips. "I know you lost on purpose today though."

Jeongguk turned to him now, eyes meeting, their hearts screaming. "I did not. I just didn't hit the ball right-

"On purpose. From what I picked up, you are someone who gives his best in everything he is doing, so.. also, you weren't frustrated at all when you lost."

Taehyung's explanation made Jeongguk nervous and he didn't even know why. He isn't supposed to feel this way and he isn't suppose to lose against someone, just to see them
happy? This is not him.

"You are also very pretty when you're in thoughts."

Jeongguk quickly turned to him again, eyes a little wider. Taehyung's voice was soft, a small whisper and it made Jeongguk's heart jump.

"Th-thank you.."

The younger sat up, turning to study Jeongguk's face. He felt his heart accelerating by just looking at the raven haired.

His head was telling him to slow down- he still had a boyfriend, although he doesn't love him anymore. And Jeongguk? He doesn't really know him yet.

But from what he had collected during the time they spend together, Jeongguk was a lovely personality, hidden by some kind of mask that he himself builds.

Jeongguk is soft-hearted, just doesn't really like to show it.

"Is everything alright?"

Taehyung hummed, turning away from Jeongguk, a smile stretching on his lips as he looked up to the moon.
"It's pretty."

Jeongguk looked to the brunet. "Very pretty."

"Sleep here, I'll sleep on the couch-

"Hold on, no. This is your bed, I'm the guest and I'll sleep on the couch."

Jeongguk huffed. "Just lay down, Beautiful. It's late and I don't want to discuss this with you-

"This is your bed. You should sleep here."

"Taehyung... I can't let you sleep on the couch-

"Why not?" Taehyung looked him dead in the eyes. "Why do you care?" He asked, having Jeongguk frowning.

"I don't, but you're a guest and should sleep comfortably."

Taehyung scoffed. "Nice try, Jeon."

Rolling his eyes, Jeongguk turned around to go to his closet and grab pajamas for Taehyung. "Fine. Then sleep on the couch, do whatever you want."

Taehyung looked at him surprised, before a smile formed on his lips. He won against Jeongguk.

"Thanks," the brunet thanked as he took the things from Jeongguk, flicked his chin and skipped out of the room.

Jeongguk stared at the door, where Taehyung just left through, a small chuckle leaving him as he shook his head.

Taehyung was currently arranging his sleeping place, which was hard for some reason. Jeongguk was a fan of oversized clothes and Taehyung being very fragile and small in comparison to Jeongguk's broadness, had problems wearing the other's clothes. The sleeves would always fall again and it was annoying. But all in all, wearing Jeongguk's clothes felt nice. They were warm and smelled like him a little, which was calming.

Taehyung yawned as he laid down on the couch. It was comfortable as heaven and he fell asleep almost immediately.

Meanwhile Jeongguk was trashing around in his own bed, not getting comfortable at all. The fact that Taehyung was in his house was messing with him more than it should.

So he got up, grabbed his cigarettes and went downstairs to go to his garden, needing to calm down. While smoking, he looked around. His garden was really pretty, but he never realized this until today, after Taehyung kept pointing it out.

A light smile formed on Jeongguk's lips, thinking about the younger. "You really don't know how cute you are.." he mumbled to himself, while looking at the roses that Taehyung couldn't stop looking at before.

Being done with the cigarette, he went inside again and closed the door. Before he went to his bedroom, he passed the living room though, seeing Taehyung deeply asleep on the couch.

It looked uncomfortable. At least to Jeongguk it appeared like it. The raven haired bit onto
his lip, as he slowly approached the younger male, his heartbeat increasing. It's ridiculous, at first all he wanted was to check up on Taehyung, because he looked hurt.

But now he wants more, he wants to keep him safe, take all his pain away. Thinking about what Taehyung told him about Minhyun and how broken he was, aggravated Jeongguk. Taehyung was a pure soul, gentle and ethereal. He doesn't deserve anything that his boyfriend was doing to him. He deserves to smile, laugh, live.

With a soft smile stretching over his lips, Jeongguk slowly reached down to lift Taehyung into his arms and bring him to his room. The bed is ten times better than the couch and Jeongguk for sure won't let him continue sleeping in this small space.

After tucking Taehyung down on his bed, he went to the couch and slept there himself.


English is not my first language and I know I make typos, spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes and I'm very thankful when people point them out and I can fix them. BUT I don't tolerate when someone begins to be disrespectful and makes fun of me for that. Please be nice, or just leave my book if you can't stand it. I usually hate complaining about things here on wattpad, but this needed to be said. It makes me feel like shit :)

Anyways, thank you for being here and have a nice day<3

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