(27) A Night Out

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A week later, 

It was her first Saturday night, Steve had told Izzy about the bar that he and his friends owned. It was originally Wanda's and Peitro's family bar. But they inherited needed help with it so they all chipped in. 

Steve and his crew were all there, Bucky scanned the bar without moving his head. 

"Where's your sister?" Bucky said 

"Try the table with all the single fire fighters." Brooke said 

"Yeah.." Steve said 

When he looked at the table she was flirting and doing shots of tequila. Logan Tucker a red headed fire fighter was all over her. Other patrons were doing karoake or some was doing live music. 

At one point in the night, Izzy and Logan were dancing on the dance floor to "Fancy Like." 

"Real smooth trying to get with the Captain's sister.." Clint said 

"She's single she can do what she wants." Laura Barton said 

"Really let her be." Wanda said 

"I'm just saying.." Clint said 

"Caroline is ready to go, so we're out." Bucky said 

"Hold on.." Steve said once the song was over..

He grabbed Izzy, "Hey, I'm leaving..actually we all are. Do you need a ride?" Steve said

"We were about to leave too." She said 

"Okay." He said 

Bucky saw her leave with Logan, when they got to her house. They kissed all the way upstairs lewving a trail of clothes. 

"Ah, god you are sexy." Logan whispered as she rode him. 

They began to make out more as they continued to have sex tilll the wee hours of the morning. Bucky was sipping his coffee, and saw his truck was still at Izzy's. 

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