(17) Can you come home?

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Two years later, 

"Hey Izzy.." Steve said as he sat in his truck 

"Hey.." she said 

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" Steve said 

"No, I just got in from work and about to do some homework." She said 

"I need you to come home a few days, something is wrong with mom." Steve said 

"What do you mean?" She said 

"I've had to pick her up twice cause she couldn't remember how to get home. She caused a scene at the hospital where I had to have Winnie and James help me carry her out cause she has forgotten she doesn't work." Steve said 

"Sounds like she's losing her memory." She said 

"So can you spare a few days?" Steve said 

"Sure.." she said 

A week later, she showed back in Lake Lure NC, she and Steve learned that Sarah was in early stagges of Alzheimer's. They hired a home health nurse to stay with her till dark. As she was leaving to go back to Florida, Bucky pulled into the driveway. 

"You're leaving?" He said 

"I did what Steve asked." She said 

"But your family needs you. Your mom needs you.." he said 

"Im working on my masters and I have a job in Florida. I am a phone call away if they need me." She said 

"Izzy..I fixed your guitar.." he said 

"I don't play music anymore." She said as she got in her car and left. 

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