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"It's raining again. Damn, I forgot to bring an umbrella."

"Me too. The weather gets pretty unpredictable this season."

Seoul is bitter cold when it rains. With the convenience store down the street being the only saving grace for the unforgiving weather, a pair of rain-soaked office leather shoes found themselves on the tiled floors late at night. Two gentlemen sit by the window perhaps waiting for the rain to lift up. A young cashier sits by the register unamused. Though Seoul has not died down one bit since the start of the late hour, she reckons no one would care or notice if she disappeared at this point. But first, she wanted to get warm.

"I don't think the rain is going to let up soon." Like the man said, it only seems to pour harder by the minute.

Her bowl of jajamyeong sits untouched on the vacant table, though still warm. She cups her hands on the side of the plastic bowl to insulate the heat, all the while her head travels off to the slim golden card tucked in her trouser pocket. Tonight had been a strange night. First it was a phone call from the loan sharks, then having to lie to her father on how she's been doing lately. Upon ending the call she was almost reduced to tears, though she knew that coming back home to Gangwon is not an option.

She couldn't even come back home to her apartment without feeling guilty. So she sat alone at the train station, then someone sat down beside her and asked to play a game. In return, she now sits in a convenience store with a bowl of jajamyeong untouched, contemplating on the number at the back of the golden card, with her left cheek tingles in numbing pain. Though now she's 100,000 won richer after a game of ddakji. Can it really get better than it is now?

The two gentlemen on the booth across from her had now left, it was just her in the convenience store. Though the rain still poured over the city, it is much lighter now. What harm could a phone call make just to earn a few more bucks? She whips out her phone, dials the digits and waits.

"Hello?" She greets. "I want to join." She says blatantly.

"If you wish to participate the game, please state your name and year of birth." The caller on the other end answers.

"Moon Hae Young. 1984"

Hi, thanks for giving this book a chance. Before I go on further finishing the rest of the chapters, there are a few things I want to clear up:

1. I am very much not from South Korea so I do not know much of the mannerisms, the sociology, etc., so there will be a lot of inaccuracies here. If you do know much about them please feel free to correct me by commenting some suggestions, and I will do my best to incorporate it to the fanfic!

2.  This fanfic is unedited, so there will be a lot of errors and maybe inaccuracies in the story line, and that's okay! I will continue working on this fanfic until it's perfect to me.

3. Yes, this is very much focused on Cho Sang Woo. ALSO I KNOW THAT HIS CHARACTER IS ABOUT 46 YEARS OLD, but I decided to use the actor's actual age. The actor's age is 39 years old, and Moon Hae-Young is 35-36. (BUT DAMN LIKE SANG WOO IS 46 BUT LOOKING FIIINE).

More will be revealed throughout the story, and yes, there will be major plot changes for this fanfiction to make sense. I might also change the course of the story depending on you, the reader's, reaction as this fic progresses. So yeah, thanks for reading the first chapter!

EGOIST (Sang Woo x Fem!OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now