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There is no evasion in this game. The only way they could hope to win was some divine intervention that would save them from being pulled down that pit of abyss first. Tug of war is clearly a game of strength, and seeing the rest of the groups, everyone knew that they were already fucked.

They watched as Team 1 ruthlessly dragged the opposing team to their deaths, dangling from the shackled ropes for a split second before the guillotine fell and cut them off. They fell along with their fading screams, the darkness of the seemingly bottomless pit swallowing them whole. In the silence, their anxiety of the inevitable was more than evident.

"Shit, there's no way we're going to win." Hae Young mumbles.

Just divine intervention, and unheard prayers from there, as the rest of the seconds that passed was nothing but a blur. She couldn't breathe, she felt, and her head was numb. It was only when Hae Young found herself standing with her team was when the realization hit. They were all going to die.

244 prayed fervently, his mutters echoing in the chamber. From behind them, 240 scoffs.

"No God will hear you here."

The opposing stood beside theirs, tension rising even more.

"Shit..." Mi-nyeo mutters in front of her. "It's a fucking sausage fest."

They passed by the winning team as they walked, with Deok-Su smirking down the rest of them. He whispers as they pass by, "What a shame. I wanted to kill you guys myself."

The elevator ride up to the platform wasn't as comforting as she had hoped. She assesses the group before her, then the group they are competing against.

"Don't be discouraged." 001 tells them. "Tug of war isn't just about strength..."

"Then what? Can we win by talking?" 244 scoffs. "If I were you, I'd stop talking, old man. Save your energy for when you're about to fight."

"Let's hear him out first." Gi-Hun says, desperation laces his voice. He nods to the old man, who starts.

"I've had my fair share of tug of war as a child." He says. "Even if the opponent had an athlete, they were still no match against us."

Finally reaching the top, 001's instructions echo throughout their conscience. As planned everyone had arranged themselves.

"First off, the leader is very important. He will go face to face with the opponent's leader, and the rest of the team will watch his back." Gi-Hun takes the first spot, the guards cuffing him to the rope. "If the leader is weak or dispirited, then the whole team is done for."

Everyone takes an alternate side, with Hae Young situated in between Mi-nyeo and Sae-byeok. Ali takes the end of the rope, anchoring the rest of the team. They put the rope beneath their armpits with all their strength and energy mustered up to that single plan. As the rope raises mid-air, they plant their feet on the ground just as instructed. And with the signal of the pistol, the game begins


Everyone leans back on cue, their abdomens up in the sky. They pull on their rope nice and taut, tense and straight. When the opposing end couldn't make them move an inch, that's when they knew that the plan was working. Their end of the rope won't budge.

Gi-Hun leans back at the front of the group, with observant eyes waiting for the opposing team's rhythm to fall by just a smidge. He carefully watches the wobbling, straining feet, until finally the opposing team loses their rhythm. He yells, "Now!"

Everyone stands back up, feet still planted on the ground. With all their might, pulling hard on the rope with fluid consistency, the red mark tied in the middle of the rope was in their favor.

EGOIST (Sang Woo x Fem!OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now