"I didn't even do anything, you saw what happened, Winter! Right, May?" He turned to the brown haired girl, and his face fell. "May?"

The girl, whose name is May, was twirling a small toy knife with a smile plastered across her face. "Where would you like to be stabbed?"

Maybe I went a little too far...

~(Y/n)'s POV~

After a few tense hours, they started to leave one by one, until it was only Willow and I left.

"...Hey." Willow spoke up. "Can I talk to you about something?"

"What's up?"

"It's about that guy I liked..." Willow was staring at her hands in her lap. "He...won't respond to me anymore. Like he's gone totally missing..." Her hands started to shake. "Was I too forward? Is he gone because of me...?" Tears fell and hit her hands, and she began to tremble. "I scared him off, didn't I?"

I stayed quiet, as she kept talking, barely taking a breath. She turned to me, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Is it wrong for me to like someone else now? Does that make me a bad person?!"

I leaned back, stared at the ceiling, and sighed. "I don't think it makes you a bad person at all? I mean, you're not obligated to like him or anything. If he isn't responding to your feelings, then why should you keep chasing after him? So, no. I don't think you're a bad person for liking someone else." I sat up, and smiled at her. "Don't worry about someone who wouldn't worry about you."

Willow hugged me, and smiled with tears in her eyes. "Thanks, (Y/n). You're right, I should move on."

She unwrapped arms from around me, but kept her head resting on my shoulder.

"This is okay...right?"

"...Yeah. This is fine."

We turned our attention back to the TV.

'I tell her to move on, and yet...' An image of Douse flashed through my mind. I shook my head. 'And yet...I can't even move on myself.'


Willow left, and before I knew it, it was time for me to patrol the city.

I went from alley to alley, and couldn't find a single villain.

"Huh, maybe I'll have an early night." I was rounding the corner of an alley, before seeing the familiar glint of silver hair. "Is that...Zephyr?" I saw him pulling something with him. A suitcase? Why would he need a suitcase?

I decided to follow him. After about twenty minutes, we started to come up to the edge of the city.

'No way...is he planning on leaving? Where's Douse? Shouldn't she be with him if they're leaving town?'

"Finally got that overly attached bitch to go patrol a different area. I get I was probably the better lay but holy shit. Now I at least have a chance to bounce. The hero thing was fun and all but with those Twisted wack jobs running around it's just not worth risking my life anymore."

If I still had my fire powers, my blood would literally be boiling right now. 'He's abandoning Douse? He's abandoning this city? After all he's done, he's just going to abandon her?!'

I stepped out of my cover, and took a few steps towards him. He turned towards me, and our eyes locked though my mask.

"Huh? Who the hell are you?"

I stayed silent, walking closer and closer to him.

"Hey, I said who the hell are you?"

"What? A fan can't try and show a bit of appreciation to the local blowhard hero?" I sneered

Twisted (Male Reader x Super Hero Harem)Where stories live. Discover now