Two Unheard Whispers

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I awoke on something hard, originally I thought I was a rock but to my surprise, it was Danielle’s back. She was surprisingly strong, but then again, I am hella skinny. I couldn’t see the sun due to the amount of tall grass surrounding us, but I could see that it was close to night. “Oh!- You’re awake, are you feeling okay?” “Yeah, I’m good.” Danielle helped me off her back- and quickly threw me into the tall grass. “OW- What the hell?!” “You dick! You caused us to lose the only place we were safe at AND you dug up A KID and a fuckin’ dog! What were you thinkin’?!” I froze. I am pretty stupid, aren’t I? I really wish none of this happened. I was the cause of so many deaths, most of those people were just kids. Kids that had so much in store for them in the future.

“You’re right. I-I should leave. I’m hurting so many people and I don’t want you to get killed too. You all were really sweet and-” “Shut Up. You’re not leavin’, besides, she already knows that we know each other so we’re on her death list. Might as well stick with each other till the end, eh?” Danielle flashes her usual carefree smile, that smile always brightens my day somehow. “Yeah, you’re right. Thank you.” We share a gentle hug before going to catch up with the others.

“By the way, Cali- Coconut- is still mad at you. You should apologize to him.”


I caught up to Coconut, limping a bit because of how sore my legs were. The grass was almost as tall as the corn you would see in a corn field, but Coconut was way taller than the grass surrounding us. Damien, who was awake, was in his arms- hands- I give up; asking him a lot of yes or no questions. “Oh, hey Hazel. About time, big-head.” Coconut glanced in my direction, then quickly looked away. I felt awful to say the least, I caused this and I have no idea how to make it up to him. “Hey, Coconut, I am so so sorry, I’m sorry for involving you, I’m sorry for putting so much pressure on you, I’m sorry for causing you to lose your home, I’m sorry for many things. You don’t have to forgive me, I just want you to know that I am truly sorry for- god, everything I have done.” And with that, the atmosphere became heavy, but I don’t know what the atmosphere was full of to make it heavy. Comfort? Doubt? I wish I knew. I decided to slow down and meet up with Markus, he was a dog and it’s hard to tell if a dog was judging you or not.

“Hey Markus, how ya doin’, boy?” I reached down to pet him and instead of flinching, instead acting sad and moody from all of the things that happened to him, he was happy and clingy like he used to be before this all happened. I had Markus back again, it made me so happy. That reminds me- “Coconut, I know you don’t want to talk to me anymore but- before my friend died, he said somethin’ about Windermere Street, fifth pothole farthest from the- fork? Got any ideas?” He froze. It was very anxious all of a sudden. “Do you know-” “What. Say again.” “Um- Windermere Street, fifth pothole farthest from the fork.” He still didn’t move. I’m convinced he probably has a fear of forks or something-


He dropped the injured kid and ran farther into the field, leaving us behind. “What the Hell?! Where the fuck- Hold up!” Danielle picked up Damien and ran after Coconut, leaving me and Markus behind. “W-Wait! I can’t run!” I tried to catch up but ended up falling over, scraping my knee. I cautiously got up and looked at Markus, who seemed very tense, fur was standing on edge as he glanced all around us. I couldn’t see anything, it was basically night time, the moon shining down on the field that laid under it.

I remembered I bought some items to make a decorated fire later; a tiki stick, lighters, basic things. I bought the utilities out and made a fire on the tiki stick, I made sure I kept it close enough so I didn’t cause a fire. Markus was still scared, but this time, he was staring at the grass in front of him, he looked perturbed and anxious. I decided to look at the grass ahead of me just in case, but curiosity wasn’t on my side today.

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