A Bigger Brother

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What happened? Oh- right, I passed out, but where am I?

I awoke in a- um, I don’t know how to explain it. It looked like an abandoned building with unusually clean beds, maybe an old church? An orphanage? Maybe a hospital, I don’t know. All I know is that I almost got hit by a car, Danielle was unconscious, that thing was there- wait, that thing. It picked Danielle and I up and I passed out shortly after. Did it bring me here? Where is Danielle?

I got out of the bed I was laying on and tried to walk, the pain, however, was unbearable but I fought through it anyway. I need to find Danielle. Limping over to the door, I opened it quietly and peaked through; on the other side layed Danielle, she seemed to be awake and- happy? “Danielle?” I whispered loud enough for her to hear me. She looked over and waved, smiling like nothing happened. “Good morning, or rather afternoon. Come join us!” Us? What does she mean by us? Moving slowly, I made my way to the weird bed she was laying on and cautiously sat down. It got awkward real quick.

“So, how do you feel? The erbs he used should be taking effect right now.” Danielle looked ahead into the long hallway, leaving me confused. “He? Who’s he?” Danielle took her eyes off of the hallway and made eye contact with me. “The one who saved us.”


The thing came through one of the doors in the hallway, I swear that thing must be at least 7 feet. “HEY! Guess who woke up!” It looked over, staring straight into my soul which made me very uneasy. “Danielle, don’t call it over! We don’t know what the hell it is!” “It’s a HE- and I know what he is, he is a doctor, and he saved us!” Damn, she’s been hitting the reefer. “Danielle, look at it. It looks like the hair at the bottom of the drain! We have to leave!”


The thing was in front of me looking down at me, it looked way too intimidating. “What?” “Patient, alright?” Fuck that. “I’m leaving.” I got off the couch just to be pulled into someone’s chest. It was hugging me… ew. “Let go, please, you’re making me uncomfortable.” He let go but, once again, began staring at me. “Alright?” “If you’re asking about my health then I’m fine.” He nodded his head and left into another room. “His name is Calico, he’s really nice!” This bitch. “Alright, whatever, if I die, it’s your fault.” “I’ll take the responsibility.”


It’s been an hour since he left. “He should be back any second now.” Danielle said, messing with some flowers on the ground. “Not to bring back the past, but that’s the same thing you said with the uber driver.” She deadpanned at me and I just shrugged. “Here.” ‘Calico’ was back carrying what looks to be vegetables and fruits, maybe dinner. “Oh! Come on Hazel, let’s go make something!” “Outside? Where it’s cold?” I was right, it was freezing outside, and the fact that my clothes were almost completely destroyed didn’t help. “Jesus, when can we go back inside?” “In a bit Hazel, the food is almost done.” I’m gonna fucking die out here.

I felt something grab me and pull me over, hugging me tight. It was that thing again- Calcium? Coconut? Coconut, I think that’s his name. I believe he was trying to warm me up, sweet, but weird. “Thanks, I guess.” “Well.” Well, like welcome? Whatever, maybe I could help him speak more later.

Time Skip

I was laying in one of the beds next to Danielle, staring at the old, run-down ceiling. I was stuck in my thoughts, not knowing what I should do next. I was completely oblivious to the furry standing at the door. “Rest.” “No.” Coconut walked over to my bed, “Tired?” “No?” It began staring at me again, really? In a flash, he scooped me up and ran somewhere. “Ow, what the hell?!”

We ended up on the roof of the building and I couldn’t help but stare, the stars were breathtaking. I could see way more than I used to near the city and they were absolutely gorgeous! “Happy? Nice?” “Um- yeah! They’re amazing!” My leg began to feel numb so I sat down, taking in the view, Coconut sitting beside me. “A-amazing.” Oh, right. I guess this is like teaching a baby how to speak. “Yeah, do you know what that means?” He nodded. So I guess he isn’t dumb, he probably just doesn’t know how to speak that well. “Okay, good, you can at least say your name, Coconut?” He tilted his head in confusion, “Co-co-nut? Name?” “Yeah that’s your name right?” He stayed silent. “Yes.” I knew it, I’m so fucking cool.

Coconut and I talked for a while- well, not really. Most of the conversation was one sided because he can’t speak that well. “I really appreciate you taking the time to take me up here.” I yawned. I was really tired, talking always exhausted me. Once again, he pulled me to his chest and hugged me tight, “Rest.” This time I obeyed and let sleep take over me. I felt happy, happy that I have at least two people that care for me. I hope it stays that way.



I woke up feeling way better than yesterday. I could walk properly and I didn’t feel too lightheaded. I saw Danielle sitting on the floor in the same room as before making a flower crown I think, Coconut being nowhere to be seen. I decided to avoid her and head outside to clear my head. It was raining, not downpouring, but just raining, it was really peaceful and calmed me down. To my left, I saw Coconut sitting on a bench away from the rain, staring straight forward. I felt the urge to join him, so I did.

We sat there in silence, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, it was a nice and reassuring silence as we listened to the rain. It made me forget about my problems and think about the good. The good that I needed for a whole five years of my life. I felt so happy, finally.

Hi <3

Word Count - 1070

Kinda short today, sorry

Kinda short today, sorry

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Baby <3

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