Just for Fun | The Second Part

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Trigger Warning!
Disturbing Images

After finally making it to the carnival, the group of friends got out of the car and walked to the entrance. The carnival was called ‘Just for Fun’ and it was the group’s favorite carnival, hence the reason why they came here to record for their project. After going through security, the group decided to do some rides first before eating because there’s a high chance of someone getting sick.

“So, where do we go first?” Lesly spoke up.

“Maybe we could split up and meet back at the Yum Yum’s Food Shack.”

“That’s a good idea!”

So, the group decided to split up based on the types of rides people like. Amari and Amar-one decided to go together because they like the arcade-like games, Sarah and Lesly went together because they’re a couple, Ashley took Markus to an area where not that many people were because she didn’t like rides and Markus is- well, a dog, and lastly Phillip went with Hazel because Phillip knows how to calm her down.

“Which rides do you want to start with?” Phillip asked, turning to the short girl walking next to her. “Maybe the small ones, like the water rides. They’re alright.” “Okay, let’s go then!” Looking at the map, she spotted a good, simple water ride that Amari fell in love with- speaking of Amari, both of the boys were there, waiting in line.

“Oh, hey guys. I thought you were heading to the arcade?”

“Hey, mom! Hey, dokey!”

Wait- what?

“We were at the arcade but there were too many couples and kids there, so we moved over to the rides.”

Is everyone ignoring the fact that he just called her shit?

“Anyway, can we stick with you guys?” Amar-one asks.

“No-”Yeah sure!” Hazel gives Phillip a look of discomfort while Phillip just flashes her usual smile.

The 4 decided to stick together during this ride, then split again, but the boys were very clingy (Not really, they just wanted to make fun of Hazel) and stuck with the girls until it was 5 minutes before they had to meet back up again. Phillip and Hazel wanted to do one more ride because her last ride was ruined due to her left leg giving out on her.

“How about that one? The big finish!” Phillip pointed towards a ride that looks like a swing set, but it takes people into the air and swings them around. Hazel didn’t really mind, she just wanted to go eat because she didn’t eat breakfast or lunch- and she was a fatass when it comes to carnival food.

Hazel and Phillip quickly got in line, and were lucky enough to get on the next ride. When they went to look for a seat, all the seats were taken except one… but the seat had something in it. It looked like a person with multiple faces and she couldn’t tell what expression it had because each face showed different emotions. “Is there someone there?” Phillip asked. Hazel nodded her head looking a bit uncomfortable. “I’ll just ask them to leave, don’t worry.” Although Phillip knows that she’s schizophrenic, she treats everything Hazel sees as a spirit, just to calm her down. Phillip asks the- thing to move so they can sit, causing it to run off crying, which didn’t bother Hazel in the slightest, but the smell. It smelt awful, which is strange because it usually smells like kettle corn near this ride. It smells like an old garbage bag and, for some reason, iron, but she ignored it and sat next to Phillip.

“I’m so excited!”

“I’m kinda nervous.”

“Where am I?”

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