Kai sighed at the memory and walked upstairs to talk to his little sister. He looked at the brown, wooden door, and knocked. However, no one answered.

"Nya?" He said as he knocked on the door a few more times before he realized that she was probably asleep, so he slowly opened the door.

He stuck his head through the open door and peeked inside, only to see no one inside. "Nya?" He wondered out loud as he opened the door fully and walked into her room. He walked up to the bed and couldn't see her anywhere.

Kai frowned. He left her bedroom and walked up to the bathroom, only to find it unoccupied. Then he looked inside the living room, the dining room, the kitchen, the attic, and the basement, only to find that she wasn't at home.

He groaned as he pulled out his phone and dialed up her number. He put the phone to his ear, only to pull it back down again right after.

"Hey, I'm not available at the moment. I'm probably either studying or studying. Please try again later."

Kai rolled his eyes playfully at his sister's voicemail as he dialed up Jay's number. She had to have been over at his place if she wasn't at home.

And she'd get grounded for not telling her brother where she had gone; and why she was gone this late, too.

It beeped for a few times before Jay picked up his phone. "Hello?"

"Jason Walker, haven't I told you that Nya staying over at yours is off limits until she's-"


"What 'what'?" Kai asked, confused.

"Nya's not at my place." Jay let out a laugh.

Kai's eyes widened. "She's not?" He gasped. Then he became more serious. "Jay, I swear to god if you're kidding me right now, I'll beat the living-"

"Kai, she's not with me." Jay told him, convincing him at once. "Hold up, you don't know where she is?"

"She's not at home so I thought she'd be at yours." Kai explained.

"What do you mean, 'she's not home'? It's-" There was a little pause. "-like half past eleven!"

Kai clicked his teeth. "Are you sure you're not hiding her right now?" He asked once again.

"No! You can ask Cole if you want!" Jay squeaked. "Wait, let me call her-"

"I've tried already, her phone's turned off!" Kai squeaked back.

"What?!" Jay yelled. "Maybe she's at Skylor's?" He suggested.

"No, I was with her the whole day."

"Maybe Lloyd?"

Kai sighed. "You know what, I'll call the others and ask them."

"Tell me immediately when you found her!" Jay demanded.

"Alright, see ya!" Before waiting for a response, he hung up.

However, after calling up every single friend of theirs, none of them knew where she was. And that, my friends, was a big problem.

Kai paced around in the room as he ran a hand through his gelled hair, sighing. "Where are you?" He whispered to himself.

The ringing of the doorbell interrupted his thoughts as he raced up to the front door and yanked it open.

"Have you found her?!" Jay squeaked.

Kai looked at him for a few seconds, seeing that he was wearing a yellow rain jacket which was a bit wet because of the rain outside. Then he shook his head. "No one knows where she is." He said as he let Jay inside and closed the door.

"Okay, okay, let's think." Jay said as he pulled out his phone and looked at the time. "It's 11:41 in the evening. Is there any place she usually goes to around this time?"

Kai thought a little. "No, she usually tells me wherever she goes to. She's not the type to keep these kinds of things to herself. And she'd definitely not sneak out... I hope."

"Did she leave any notes? Were all the windows and doors locked when you came back home?" Jay asked.

"No, and yes..." Kai looked at the floor. "Jay, she's the only family I have, if anything happened to her while I was gone, I-"

"I'm sure she's alright." Jay interrupted him as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Then why isn't she home? Why don't I know where she is? And neither do you, and the others don't either."

Jay pondered a bit. "Let's go to the police, they might help us."

Kai breathed out heavily as he nodded, looking at the other male.

Figuring Kai wouldn't be able to drive in this state, they both walked up to Jay's car and drove to the police station together. They ran up to the receptionist.

"Hey, we'd like to announce a missing person's case." Jay immediately said.

"Alright, who is it?" The male worker asked, looking at them.

"Nya Smith, my little sister." Kai stepped forward, placing his hands on the countertop.

The receptionist typed something into his computer. "How old is she and when have you last seen her?"

"She's seventeen." Jay answered.

"And I've last talked to her at around..." He started to think. "Twelve in the afternoon?" He answered, rather unsure of when he had exactly talked to her over the phone.



"I am sorry, but I cannot declare someone as missing if there isn't a time period of at least twenty-four hours."

"I'm sorry, what?!" Kai raged. "My sister is nowhere to be found, no one knows where she is, and you, the police, are not going to help us find her?!" He shouted.

"Would you please calm down?" The receptionist asked him, trying to not raise his own voice in the process.

"Calm down?! You're the police, you're supposed to help us!" Kai shouted.

The receptionist sighed before turning towards Jay. "Would you please tell him to calm down?"

Jay clenched his fist on his side. "No?! Listen to his f—ing statements, mister! She hasn't come home, and no one knows where she is! What if she's in danger right now and we only have a small amount of time to help her, but oh no, we have to wait for eleven more hours until you take her absence seriously?!" He yelled.

The man behind the desk sighed again as he leaned down and pushed the silent emergency button...

~ oOoOoOo ~

"And come back in eight hours, if you will!" A police officer shouted after the two as they forcefully exited the building.

Yes, you've read it right, they had been arguing with almost the entirety of the police force that was present in the station for three hours, yet they couldn't convince them to help.

As they were walking back to Jay's car, they both were absolutely fuming. "And this is what they call the 'helpers of our town'..." Jay said, disbelieving, as he climbed into the driver's seat.

Kai scoffed as he got in the car as well. "If they won't help us, we'll go find her ourselves." He said, his tone indicating he was not accepting a 'no'.

"Where do we go now?" Jay asked as he started up the engine.

"Let's go back home for now. Maybe she's already back on her own. I'll call the others and ask if they can help us find her."

Jay nodded as he pulled out of the parking space and drove off into the empty street.

Forbidden Sparks [ninjago jaya]Where stories live. Discover now