Chapter 8

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        Sakura's POV

        "N-Naruto?" I stammered. I couldn't believe my eyes. My once shocked expression was replaced by a hardened, emotionless. "You need to leave. Now." I said. I might have looked cold, but my voice gave away my true emotion. It trembled no matter how hard I tried to control it.

        "No! I am not leaving without you." He yelled.

        "If you don't go they will kill you." I said quietly. He looked at me strangely.

        "I don't care if I die. As long as you get back safe and they pay that's all that matters!" He exclaimed. I shook my head at him.

        "You seem to be misunderstanding. I chose to go with them." I said.

        "What? Why!?!!??!" He exploded.

        "I did it for you, Naruto." I said on the verge of tears. Naruto looked shocked and equally upset.

        "Sakura, come." A voice said from behind me. I looked back and saw everyone. Pein had his hand extended.

        "I'm sorry Naruto." I said as I turned around to leave.

        "No wait!" He yelled I turned around to only see him collide with me and hold me in a tight embrace.

        "I really need to go now." I said as a tear escaped my eyes. "I will visit as soon as I am able. I promise. Even if I am labelled as a rogue ninja and an S class criminal. I will find a way into the village." I said as I walked back to Pein and the others. I looked back at Naruto and saw he was looking intensily at someone else. I followed his gaze to Sasuke.

        "Sasuke... You too huh?" He said with a dry chuckle. "Take care of Sakura for me." He said as he ran away with tears streaming down his cheeks. I wanted to run after him and go with him to village, but I knew I couldn't. I stood there silently as the tears kept falling.

        "Lets keep moving." Pein said. With that, everyone else began walking away. I didn't follow them right away though.

        "I'm sorry." A voice behind me said. I turned around to see Itachi. I nodded at him. "Let's get going." He said as he grabbed my arm. I let him lead me to start walking again. The walk was silent. I think everyone knew I was in no mood to talk. Well everyone except Sasuke.

        "Can we talk?" He asked. I gave him a nasty look but it only made him chuckle. "C'mon." He said as he grabbed my arm and led me in a different direction. I looked back at Itachi.

        "Yell if you need me." He said. I nodded as I left with Sasuke. He led me deep into the woods before coming to a stop.

        "I don't believe you." He said as he turned around. I gave him a confused look. "That you don't love me. I can see it in your eyes. You feel something for me." I gave him a grin.

        "And why do you care if I do or not?" I said. Within a blink of an eye, he had me pinned to a tree.

        "Because I don't like being lied to." He said inches from my face. "Now tell me the truth. Do you love me?" He asked, staring directly into my eyes.

        "I-I don't know." I stammered. Sasuke didn't look like he believe me. "You left me heart broken, after everything I did for you. You destroyed Naruto, and yet you still expect me to love you? You are obviously delusional." I said nastily. Sasuke frowned deeply. But his grin returned shortly after.

        "The heart wants what it wants." He said as he pressed his body against mine.

        "Stop it Sasuke!" I yelled. "I hate you so much." I growled at him. He stopped what he was doing and released me.

        "Don't flatter yourself. Like I would ever want someone like you." He spat. He might have thought that would have insulted me but it only made me more relieved.

        "You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear that." Sasuke glared at me.

        "Oh really?" He said as he walked closer to me. I backed up against the tree. My whole body was trembling.

        "Itachi!!!!" I yelled. It was the only thing I thought I could do at this moment. Sasuke was a mere three inches as he glared down at me.

        "Remember Sakura, I always get what I want." He said as Itachi came to my rescue. Sasuke put his hands up in surreneder as he walked away. Itachi was glaring daggers at Sasuke as he walked away.

        "Sakura, are you alright?" He asked. I nodded. "Did he hurt you?" He asked. I shook my head.

        "But I think he was going to." I mumbled. "Lets get going. Are we almost there?" I asked. Itachi nodded.

        "We are really close." He responded.

        "Good." Is all I could manage to say. I was too worried about what was going to happen with Sasuke.

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