"I believe Saturday night.. I'm not sure"

"I see, thanks"

She opened the door for me and closed it once I was inside. The curtains were closed on both of his windows. His room was pretty clean. On the left side of the door was his study table and chair with his laptop on it and his notebooks, next to it was a bookshelf nestled on the corner of the room. On the wall adjacent to it was the first window and nestled to the other corner was his bed. Right across the door was the other window and underneath it was a dresser with some volleyball paraphernalia on top of it. On the right side of the door was a closet and a full size mirror.

I put the tray down on his study table. I quietly walked to his bed and gently sat down. He was turned towards the wall, sleeping peacefully. I felt his forehead and he was warm, not hot, just warm. I didn't want to wake him up, but he needs to eat something.

I gently shook him, "Hey.." I whispered.

He stirred a bit, but nothing.

"Yuki-kun, you gotta eat something" I said, shaking him again.

"Ma.. I'm not hungry" he whined, pulling his blanket over his head.

"Yeah, not even close" I said, pulling the blanket down a bit.

"Then Mayu-chan, I'm not hungry"

"Not Mayu either.."

"Just buzz off... I want to sleep"

I rolled my eyes.

"Gonna treat your friend like that huh?" I asked, "I guess I'll just have to eat all the cookies I brought by myself"

He quickly sat up, eyes wide open. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

I took the tray from the table and set it down in front of him. "Can't visit a sick friend?" I asked.

"Just wasn't expecting you.."

"I figured.. but anyway, I brought some miso soup and cookies"

He went for the plate of cookies but I took them away. "Soup first" I said.

He sighed, but he complied. He finished the soup in no time. I handed him the plate of cookies and he smiled at it. "Your cookies are good" he said.

"You've told me that a lot of times"

"Because they're good"

I sat on the chair by his study table and waited for him to finish. I noticed his math homework and I just wanted to correct a couple of the answers.

"I'll probably take another day off from school.." he said.

"Mmkay.. you need rest anyway"

I left the Ishikawa house after a couple of hours, which was when Yuki fell asleep. I went straight to the shop to help out.

He did take another sick day the following day. Atsuki-san even asked about him, if he was fine. I told her he was and that he should be back tomorrow. She asked how I knew... I was not going to tell her that I went to his house... She'll murder me. I lied, I told her that I messaged him. Although, it's a bit lonely without him here.

Time went by slowly, but it's Wednesday and Yuki should be back. I woke up super early to made sure I look  decent. I made cookies yesterday as well. Shit. Why am I acting like this? Get yourself together, Mio.

As I left the house, I see him waiting by the gate. He looks so much better compared to when I saw him the other day. He stood there smiling.

"Miss me?" he asked.

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