31 7 2

Seoul, Meong-Gu, District 6
On 19th September at 8:12 pm

Taehyung sometimes wondered about his and Jimin's first meeting. He couldn't remember it. As far as he could delve into his consciousness, he could only see them holding hands or chanting the Transformers theme song.

They were close. Had always been.

He remembers Irina, Jimin's mother, saying she was glad that she didn't have to give birth to both of them at the same time.

Jimin was different. He was both different and common. Easy to fade into the background and easier to ace every exam throughout their highschool years.

Jimin is odd.

Taehyung is normal.

He clenched his jaw. He didn't know why he kept lying to his friend.

Jimin stood in front of him, his dark hair fluttering in the wind. "Why are we here?" He stepped beside him.

"We are here to meet someone."


"You will know when you see him."

Taehyung kept his lips close after that, as he followed his friend into the gloomy darkness of the apartment building. The clicking noise of their converses echoed in the quiet hallway. Taehyung didn't want to admit it, but he felt the creeping feeling of someone watching them at the back of his neck.

"There is someone following us." Taehyung whispered. Too low for anyone other than Jimin to hear.

"Don't look back." He mumbled under his breath and continued on his way, towards the elevator at the end of the hallway.

The low ding of the elevator bell greeted the duo as Jimin pressed the button to the 13th floor. The lift doors closed soundlessly. It slowly then climbed up the floors. Whatever, whoever was following them, didn't approach them.

"What are you trying to do, goddamn it!" Taehyung turned to his friend.

"Don't. There are cameras behind you." He whispered again, anger in his irises.

Taehyung's heart was thundering in his ribcage. He pressed his lips together and pushed down the flurry of curses that threatened to escape.

"We will be there soon. Stop being so stiff. You don't want anyone to suspect anything."

"I swear to god I will kill you after we are out of this hell hole."


The elevator dinged again. The 13th floor was dark. Darker than the hallway where they stood a few minutes ago. "Come on." Jimin stepped out, his steps had increased in pace. Taehyung, unceremoniously, followed his friend.

Room number 473. Taehyung gulped down his instinct that shouted at him to run back to the first district and into his home. Jimin knocked on the door, one of his hands in his pocket, grasping the piece of paper from the hours before.

"Who is it?" A deep voice called from behind the old wooden door.

"It's me. Park."

The door opened with a disturbingly loud creak in the silent corridor. A young man, surprisingly good looking, in front of the mutilated backdrop of the apartment complex stood in front of them.

"Come on in." The man nodded as Jimin stepped forward and into the dimly lit space behind him.

The room smelled like cigarette smoke and ink, Taehyung concluded. An unpleasant mix too. It was messy, motes of dust trailed the air inside, Taehyung regretted not bringing along his mask, stacks of ledgers, loose sheets and torn balls of yellowed paper littered the place. He barely contained himself from wrinkling up his nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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