A Curse of Luck (A kidnapped story) (15) Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Please forgive me?"

I let out a sigh I really don't like to be kept in the dark about things, but looking at Will with his please forgive me face it's hard to stay mad.

"I forgive you I guess, but please don't keep anything else from me."

"Okay, from now on I won't keep anything from you." He gives another small smile.

"Alright well what about now; are we going to see this Calder guy?"

"Uh yeah, but you have to play along okay, we need to find out how long it's going to take to get to the Center Land."

"Okay, let me just turn on my acting skills."

Will start's laughing "I didn't know you have acting skills."

"Well theirs a lot about me you don't know." I can't help but laugh along with him.

"We better get going we don't want to keep Calder waiting."

"I guess so." I start getting out bed, and when I stand up, I notice the slight motion of the ship.

"We really are on a ship!"

"Well yeah that's what I told you."

I feel embarrassed,I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Yes you did, didn't you? Well let's not keep a Captain waiting."

I really just want to get out of here. I always seem to embarrass myself around him.

He chuckles slightly "Yeah let's head out, oh and let me do all the talking okay."


We head out the door to find the woman waiting for us.

"Follow me please."

She turns and heads down a hallway it didn't take us long till she stops in front of a door at the end.

Wows were a lot closer to this Calder then I thought. Maybe he did it to keep an eye on Will and me.

I start to get that anxious feeling again, but I pray its nothing.

The woman knocks softly on the door, "Come in." Comes a voice which must belong to Calder.

The woman holds the door open for us. Will goes in first with me right behind.

The room is surprisingly very well decorated; you would never know that you were inside of a ship if it wasn't for the wood beamed ceiling, and the ocean swaying outside the windows.

Theirs two couches and several arm chairs. The same men that we saw at the bar were scattered around the room, looking more alert as Will enters.

Then sitting in a leather arm chair is Calder, the Captain of this ship. He's wearing distinctively Asian inspired clothing. This would make sense seeing as he appears to have Asian descent or at least looks it. I'm not sure how it works for demons. They must all come in different shapes and colors.

"Will, thank you for joining me over breakfast." Calder stands and holds out his hand.

Will shakes it briefly, "Please have a seat", he motions to the couch across from him.

Will sits down and has me sit right next to him.

"So can I get you anything to eat, or drink?" Again I'm being completely ignored, well at least I know why. He thinks I'm a lowly slave, and that he's above me.

But I'm fine with being ignored; I really don't want his unnerving eyes on me anyway.

"No I'm fine thanks, but I think Whitney needs some." Will turns his head to me.

A Curse of LuckWhere stories live. Discover now