"I was waiting for you." He replied.

"You knew I was going to be here?" I asked with a silly grin.

I loved him so much.

He hummed in response and nodded his head, "That man told me." He said and pointed in the direction he came from.

I looked in the said direction and saw another man who was now walking towards us.

"Who is he?" I questioned as my heartbeat picked up.

Suddenly, the feeling of love that filled the air around us was dissipated.

I looked at the man again, his hands were shoved in his pockets and he had a cowboy hat on his head, it was hard to make out his face.

He suddenly took one of his hands out of his pocket, a gun clutched in his hand, and my eyes doubled in size.

Alarm bells went off in my head as I saw that it was the same gun that I had used to practice shooting.

A nine millimeter.

He pointed in it Darius' direction and shot before any of us could comprehend whatever was happening.

I screamed as Darius' body fell on the concrete with a loud thud and looked at the man who was now walking away like he had no care in the world.

Immediately, I fell to my knees and picked up Darius' head to place it in my lap.

"Darius." I whispered in shock. "Please wake up, καρδιά μου." I cried but he had already drifted to the other world.

(My heart)

"HELP!" I screamed and looked up but there was no one in sight.

That man had also disappeared.

My tears blurred my vision and some of them fell on Darius' face.

"Please don't leave me, please." I begged and shook him but he was not responding and his face was turning white.

My eyes moved frantically around us to see if there is someone I can call for help but instead, I saw that the walls from both sides had started to close in.

"No." I mumbled.

My body felt as if it was being swaddled and I was all too familiar with this feeling.

My breathing picked up and I tried to move Darius' body so we both can escape but he was too big.

I needed to get out of here before the walls squish us but I was unable to move.

I would never leave Darius alone.

"Please wake up for my sake, καρδιά μου." I cried even though I knew I was asking for the impossible.

The walls were getting closer now and I knew I would not be able to escape them so I leaned down to kiss Darius' head one last time before resting my forehead against his cold one.

If this is our end, so be it.

At least, I was with the man I loved.

I had just begun to accept the reality when I felt myself being pulled from the back of my dress and my eyes snapped open just in time to see the walls closing in completely on Darius and then he disappeared.

"DARIUS!" I screamed and my eyes snapped open.

The familiar ceiling came into my view and I sat up in my bed, panting heavily. I looked at the walls and the panic rushed through my veins.

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