Episode 31

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*That night, Akio and Yuuri decided to stay a little bit longer just like before. Yuuri had a bad feeling if they stay any longer.*

Yuuri: Akio! What happens if we stayed here for a long time? Isn't that make the future changes when we're here?

Akio: I was scared too just like before... But, if Sonic wants us to stay here a little bit longer, I guess I can't decline that...

Yuuri: hmm... I was curious how Sonic and Shadow's child would look like. Maybe they had a few of our characteristics...

Akio: Well, who knows.

Yuuri: *pick Akio up and put him on the bed* Wanna play with me again?

Akio: Hak! Is it fine...?

Yuuri: Well, it's been so long that we didn't do this since our first time...

Akio: Oh! I see... Well, I really wanna do this more often...

Yuuri: Well, since you confess your feelings to me back at Amita. I wanna mark you as you did to me before~

Akio: Huh?! Are you going to bite my neck?

Yuuri: Well, that's your mark but my mark is different~ *kiss Akio*

Akio: *moaned in the kiss* Mmmff...

Yuuri: *take of Akio's clothes and kiss him*

Akio: *looks and moaned*

Yuuri: *break the kiss* This time, we get inside the blanket~ I'm afraid that Sonic and Shadow might check out on us...

Akio: And I shouldn't moan too loud...

Yuuri: *take the blanket and cover them* You wanna be on top or bottom~?

Akio: I wanna be...on bottom...?

Yuuri: Well~ *spread Akio's legs and lick his member*

Akio: Aahh~

Yuuri: Sshh~ Lower your voice~ Mmm~

Akio: *cover his mouth* Mmm~

Yuuri: *thrust inside him*

Akio: *gasped and close his eyes*

Yuuri: You're okay~?

Akio: *nodded* Yuyu~ This reminds me of the time we do this for the first time~

Yuuri: *smirks* Can I move now~

Akio: Yeah~

*Yuuri hugs Akio and thrusts slowly. Akio buried his face on Yuuri's chest and start to moan softly. Yuuri keep thrusting as he could feel Akio's breathing on his chest*

Yuuri: Oh, Akio~ You're so cute~ I wonder if I do this but in my 21 years old body~

Akio: That's...gonna be different~

Yuuri: Yeah~ I can imagine that~ Hang on~

*Yuuri thrust faster and deeper. Akio continues to moan but it's getting louder. Akio looks at Yuuri and kisses his neck*

Yuuri: Akio~ You know how to make people feel passionate~

Akio: Mmm~ I just wanna bite your neck~

Yuuri: Wait-- You mean now?! How about after this~?

Akio: I don't think I could handle it much longer~ My thirst can't wait for any longer~

Yuuri: Well then, I let you bite me but at the same time, I'll cum inside you~

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