Episode 18

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Eggman: *snore*

Cubot: Uh, doctor? Doctor...

Orbot: Boss!! We got some great news!!

Eggman: *groaning* Can't you see that I'm taking a long nap?!

Cubot: We...see that sir but, we have great news to tell! We have caught something on the security cameras.

Eggman: Grr, better be interesting otherwise you waste my time!

*Orbot and Cubot took Dr.Eggman to watch the camera CCTV.*

Eggman: Let's see...

*In the footage, they can see Sonic and Akio were talking in the forest as they're walking around. Akio got Eggman's attention.*

Eggman: Wait... Who's that with Sonic?

Cubot: Hmm... Never seen him before and why he wears clothes?

Orbot: Oh! I know! Maybe he felt so weird without clothes! Just like Sonic and the others! They don't wear clothes! Except for the shoes and gloves!

Eggman: Ssshh!! Quiet!

Sonic: Huh? Do you feel good?

Akio: Yeah... A little bit. Thanks for taking me for a walk Sonic...

Sonic: Nah, it's alright.

Yuuri: Akio! Wait for me!!!

Orbot: Oh! There's another!!

Eggman: Hmm... By looking at their form, they look similar to Sonic and Shadow...

Cubot: Oh! They are! What should we do boss?

Eggman: Bring Metal Sonic! I need the special hedgehog with us and do some experiments on them... They seem like not coming from this world.

Orbot: Boss, we know all Sonic's friends are coming from different worlds...but we never saw them anywhere.

Eggman: That's why we need them!!

Orbot: Right, boss. Come on Cubot, let's take out our brother from his slumber.

Cubot: Oh! I would like to give him some wrench sauce! I wonder if he gets hungry.

Orbot: Stop thinking about something weird...

*Back to where Sonic, Akio, and Yuuri are which is in the forest, of course.*

Akio: Sonic...

Sonic: Hmm?

Akio: I guess... We should keep our distance for a bit... I don't want Shadow mad at me again...

Sonic: You shouldn't listen to him... You only stay here for a moment until you both can go back home right?

Akio: Yeah but... I still feel bad about that...

Yuuri: *hold Akio's hand* Don't worry about it Akio!

Akio: Huh?! You really wanna make me hanging out with Sonic after all...

Yuuri: Well, no! But if that is what makes you feel better, then do it!

Sonic: Yeah! Just forget what Shadow told you! We're just friends!

*Suddenly, they heard a rattling sound coming nearby them. They look around and become aware of their surroundings.*

Sonic: Stay by my side boys!

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