Episode 17

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*Yuuri walk to Shadow's house and he saw Rouge instead of Shadow.*

Rouge: Oh, who's this? Ah... You are the boy who looks like Shadow... Looking for him?

Yuuri: Ah... Yes. And I have no time for small talk. Do you know where Shadow is?

Rouge: *looks at Yuuri's pearl* I tell you... Once you tell me about your precious pearl on your arm.

Yuuri: *hides it* N-No! It's important and I need to know where Shadow is.

Rouge: Tch... Fine. Shadow is on G.U.N base... And you know where the base is...? If you can't...then let me take you there...

Yuuri: Is it safe?

Rouge: Hmm... Much safer than being in Eggman's base.

Yuuri: Well then, if Shadow is really at G.U.N base. Take me there...

Rouge: Good. Now hold my hand, because we're going to have some fun in the air.

Yuuri: Umm, okay. If you aren't going to steal my pearl or something then I can hold your hand...

Rouge: *hold Yuuri's hand* Well, hang on tight...

*Yuuri holds Rouge's hands as they fly towards G.U.N base. Upon their arrival, Yuuri becomes a small animal and sits on top of her head. They got inside and Shadow saw Rouge.*

Shadow: Umm... There's something on top of your head Rouge...

Rouge: I know and he's the purple boy, Yuuri!

Shadow: What?! You dare to take him here?! This place is dangerous for him!! He knows nothing about this place!


Shadow: SSSHH!!! *sigh*

Rouge: Oh, by the way, he wants to talk with you.

Shadow: *sighs* Come on. I know where the safe place for us to talk.

*Yuuri jumps on Shadow's head and they headed towards the small room where no one gets inside, except Shadow.*

*Yuuri gets back to normal and growl at Shadow.*

Shadow: Now what?

Yuuri: Is there anything bad you said to Akio?

Shadow: Tch... First Sonic! Now you! How many times do I have to say this! I. Didn't. Hurt. Him!!

Yuuri: He's having a cold because of you!! Akio never got sick until now!

Shadow: Cold is just a normal disease! He just needs some rest!!

Yuuri: But, it's sunny today and there's no one would catch a cold in this good weather!

Shadow: I tell you, let's just move on and forget about this!

Yuuri: No! I can't let anyone stole Akio's happiness!!

Shadow: You think I'm stealing his happiness?! He's the one who starts this first! He gets near Sonic and each time they talking together, Akio and Sonic might build a very strong bond! And Sonic...never...

Yuuri: Shadow... Tell me, what's going on?

Shadow: Sonic is my...rival at first. But, when he told me that everyone needs to move on and leave their past behind, thanks to him, I finally accept the past and move on...

Yuuri: Oh... Did you lose someone you love?

Shadow: I had... Her name was...Maria... I always spend some time with her until one day, her happiness became a tragedy. She died...right in front of my eyes... I can't help but watch her suffered and die...

Yuuri: I'm so sorry for her...

Shadow: and that day, I was lonely. I got no one to be friends with and to be loved... I had another friend named Molly but she died too when she tried to protect me and sacrifice herself...

Yuuri: *looks down* I see...

Shadow: At that moment too, I feel like I'm useless... I'm dangerous to everyone... I'm the false experiment... I bring everyone to death!

Yuuri: *hug Shadow*

Shadow: Ah!

Yuuri: You're not Shadow... You're not bringing people to death. You're not a Grim Reaper...

Shadow: Yuuri...

Yuuri: Now I understand... Why Sonic is always with you. I will make sure that Akio won't fall for Sonic. I kinda hate it sometimes when they are together...

Shadow: You do?

Yuuri: Yeah... But, I always act nice whenever he is with Akio so he doesn't think that I'm jealous...

Shadow: You jealous when someone treats Akio better than you?

Yuuri: Maybe...

Shadow: You good?

Yuuri: Yup! I'm good and thanks for the story...

Shadow: It's not a story but I guess you can say that. Let's go back home. I take you to Sonic's house.

*Later, that night. Yuuri was finally home and Sonic was worried about him.*

Sonic: Where did you go? It's late!

Yuuri: I just have some conversation with Shadow... And I'm fine... He doesn't hurt me at all.

Sonic: *sigh* I'm glad the problem is over. Akio is calling your name a couple of times... I guess he had a nightmare.

Yuuri: Oh no! *run towards their rooms* Akio!

Akio: Yuyu...

Yuuri: Akio! Are you okay?

Akio: Yuyu!!

Yuuri: Hey! Wake up! *shake Akio's body.*

Akio: I can't... Please, don't let the demon get me!!

Yuuri: *sighs and cut himself* Argh! Here... Did you smell this?

Akio: B-Blood? I'm thirsty...

Yuuri: Here, drink my blood and wake up!

Akio: * opens his eyes and looks at Yuuri* Yuyu?

Yuuri: *sighs* Come... Drink my blood and you'll be fine...

Akio: *drink Yuuri's blood* Mmm...

Yuuri: Nightmare?

Akio: *nodded*

Yuuri: Aww... Poor Akio. I know why Shadow doesn't want you to get near Sonic. You have to listen to me and don't even fall in love.

Akio: *sighs* If only Sonic won't teach me about love...

Yuuri: Hey, it's okay if he teaches you about love! Look! We finally love each other and that's good!

Akio: mmm...

Yuuri: Don't be like that!

Akio: I feel like I wanna go back home to Amita!

Yuuri: How about your power?

Akio: I feel empty...

Yuuri: Then you need some rest! Once you gathered all your power, we can go back home...

Akio: But, I don't want to stay here any longer! I had a feeling where something bad might happened!

Yuuri: There's nothing bad happen... I'll always be by your side. *hug Akio* Now, sleep. I'll awalys hug you...

Akio: Thank you... Yuuri... Good night...

Yuuri: Good night, Akio.

*To be continued*

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