Episode 24

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*Yuuri takes a step back and hides the medallion. He slowly walks to Akio and slowly touches him. Akio looks at Yuuri and cried.*

Akio: What was that?!!

Yuuri: Ssshh... It's okay!

Sonic: Akio! Yuuri! Are you guys okay?

Yuuri: *protect Akio* Go away Sonic!!

Sonic: Hey! What's wrong?

Yuuri: Akio is mad at you! You know what you've done!

Sonic: I-- is he the one who I heard crying outside?

Yuuri: I don't know but Akio said you hurt him!!

Sonic: No I'm not!! What have I done?!

Akio: Go away Sonic!!!

Sonic: Akio! What's wrong?!

Akio: You listen to Yuuri, go away!!!

Sonic: I--

Yuuri: Come on Akio. Let's just get out from here.

*Yuuri takes Akio somewhere far inside the forest. Sonic didn't know what he has done and Shadow came as Akio and Yuuri left.*

Shadow: Where's Yuuri and Akio?

Sonic: Shad... What have I done to Akio? I don't understand... Why is he mad at me and why does he hate me?

Shadow: I'm sure Akio is not hated you. He just has a misunderstanding about the situation...

Sonic:*sighs* Come on... I bet everyone is waiting for us...

*Sonic and Shadow walk back to the event. Meanwhile, Yuuri saw a cave to live in for a moment. He looks up and saw the moon is no longer a crescent.*

Yuuri: Akio... Your wings will start to withered right now.

Akio: That's good...

Yuuri: And... We should stay here for the night... I'm afraid that your madness is coming back.

Akio: I'm sorry... I can't control my emotions. Those love and hate are combines together. I can't describe how I feel towards them.

Yuuri: I understand... Since your family died, you don't have anyone in your life... I hope I could save your family at the right time...

Akio: It's okay Yuuri. It's not your fault that the fire starts to burn the mansion...

Yuuri: I'm always here for you. Even you die, you sleep, you dream... I'm always here. I'm not like you, who loves Shadow and intimidate him. I was so mad when I saw you with Sonic.

Akio: I'm sorry... Do you think that I love Sonic?

Yuuri: Of course not!! But the way Sonic treats you is better than I am! It looks like he wants you to fall in love with him. Your emotions are easy to play with.

Akio: I'm sorry that I'm not matured enough! I should just kill him and...kill him...

Yuuri: No, just push him and walk away. That's easy! Since when you have an urge to kill?

Akio: I don't know... It happens when Sonic and Shadow came to Amita...

Yuuri: I see but you don't look harmful to them. You act friendly and helpful...

Akio: I try to hide my other self... It wants me to kill one of them... The madness... It wasn't me... It was someone else who took my body...

Yuuri: Is that how you feel when madness consumes you?

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