Episode 27

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*The next day, Blake was sitting outside of their hideout. There was a small pond next to him. Akio saw him while on training and he try to talk with him.*

Akio: Blake? You have recovered?

Blake: Akio! Yes! I'm fine now! I just need to make myself better outside. This place is so calm and safe.

Akio: Well, it's because there's a divine stone around this area that keeps all monsters away from our hideout.

Blake: We have one divine stone too, but Ambrose breaks it and lets all monsters inside the mansion.

Akio: What is his purpose in opening the doors of hell?

Blake: I don't know... But, that day he found an old book inside our mansion while we cleaning up. The book looks evil and devil. I try to warn him not to open or learn from the book. But, his curiosity leads him to hell.

Akio: Is there a purpose that involving me and Yuuri?

Blake: I remember Ambrose said to one of the unknown creatures. That creature knows you somehow.

Akio: What?

???: Ah... I see. So, that person name Ambrose make a contact with my brother...

Akio: *gasp* You!

Blake: Hmm? What's wrong?

*Suddenly, Akio collapsed to the floor. Blake was surprised. As he approaches him, Akio's body gets up so quickly like he was being controlled by a puppet master.*

???: Haa... After so long, I will be able to control this body again! How long have I been asleep?

Blake: Huh?! Who are you?! Why you're in Akio's body?!

Yami: Fear not, my friend. My name is Yami the dark and I've been sleeping in Akio's body for 40 years.

Blake: 40 years?!

Yami: Yes! Also, I have something to asked. Did Ambrose make a contract with my brother?

Blake: Huh?! That creature that Ambrose talking to is your brother?!!

Yami: I sense it that he was in this world.

Blake: Wait! Hold on!! Why I never knew that you're inside Akio's body?!

Yami: You should have known that... I know you, Ambrose, Yuuri, and other people Akio met, I know.

Blake: Ah...

Yami: Here...let Akio tells all...

*Then, Akio finally got back to this sense. He gasped like he's out of air. Blake was so confused.*

Blake: Akio!! You never knew that there's someone else inside your body?!

Akio: Huh? I already know that! His name is Yami and he's the one who makes me grow vampire wings.

Blake: *gasp* The one where Ambrose cut off your wings?!

Akio: Yeah... I guess, that what's makes Yami woke up...

Blake: Tell me everything about Yami!

Akio: Why?

Blake: Since both of us are here, I want to be closer to you...

Akio: Okay...

*This is where the past starts where Yami found Akio after his mansions are burned in the fire.*

Akio: So...cold... I need...shelter and fire...oh... I'm so hungry...

*After a long walk, he found an old temple and it was fit for him to stay but he didn't know that there's a creature who guard that place. Akio sits at the corner of the temple and hugs himself. The torches around the temple lit up by themselves. Akio was shocked and scared*

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