Episode 4

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*As they're wandering to the second checkpoint, Sonic always makes himself closer to Akio while Shadow makes himself closer to Yuuri. Both of them make Akio and Yuuri uneasy.*


Akio: Yuuri, keep your voice down. Vampires might hear us!

Sonic: Oh, nothing... You both make us curious...

Akio: (Oh no... Did... Did Sonic found out something about me?) Umm... Wait...

Yuuri: What's wrong, Akio?

*Four of them stops as they look around. Suddenly, they heard a growling and groaning sound, not far from them.*

Akio: Yuuri... Change...

*Yuuri transforms into a dragon. Sonic and Shadow are shocked by Yuuri's power. A big creature came out from the deep wilderness and howling at them.*

Sonic: Agh!! Y-Yuuri!!!

Akio: Don't worry! He's fine! We need to take care of the creature until dawn.

Shadow: Leave this to me!

Akio: No! This creature is different than boar! Your power can't hurt it!

Shadow: Hmph! No one can stand against my chaos power! CHAOS SPEAR!!!

???: Graaaahhhh!!!!

Shadow: Hmph! How's that?

*The creature eyes flash in the smoke and target at Shadow.*

Yuuri: Shadow!!! *breathe fire to the creature*


Akio: Yuuri!!

*The creature is finally taken down and all of them are safe. Shadow looked down at his Chaos Emerald as Sonic walks to him.*

Sonic: Shadow! Are you okay?

Shadow: I... I was surprised... That creature is more powerful than I thought...

Yuuri: *turn back to normal* I heard about this power that makes someone invincible... That creature maybe has an artificial pearl with it...

Sonic: Artificial what?

Akio: Artificial pearl... Like this on my neck... It has many powers like attack and defense. It makes you feel invincible for a moment then you need to rest to regenerate.

Sonic: That's cool and sounds like a Chaos Emerald can do. Does the power unlimited as well?

Yuuri: Not really... It needs some energy so you might need some rest... As Akio said, it needs to regenerate.

Akio: The sun will rise at any moment. We need to be careful next time...

Yuuri: Sorry, Akio...

Sonic: (Hmm... I need to talk with Akio for a moment...)

*As they walk south, they encountered a small city, near the waterfall lake. Yuuri was so excited as they get near.*

Yuuri: Eeek!! My favorite city!!

Sonic: Oh! Amita has a small city as well?

Akio: Yeah and there's a lot of city around Amita. Like this one... This is Kuronia... A very peaceful city.

Sonic: Cool!! At Mobius, we have many places as well! Are we going to stay at Kuronia?

Yuuri: Of course!! What makes it my favorite is Kuronia has many delicious foods!! You should try the lasagna one!

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