Episode 22

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*Days passed by quickly and Yuuri knew tonight is the night of the crescent moon. Tails already install the chain before the night comes. Yuuri takes Akio to the small room with a chain on it.*

Akio: Yuyu... Will I be alright?

Yuuri: I'm sure you'll be alright.*put a chain on both Akio's wrist and feet* Comfortable?

Akio: *nodded*

Yuuri: You love when being chained?

Akio: *nodded*

Yuuri: Glad Tails install it before the night comes. Sonic and I will visit you from time to time.

Akio: Yuyu... Is there any blood that I can drink other than both of you?

Yuuri: *sigh* If only there was a blood bag but, I don't have anyone to kill...

Akio: No! Don't kill people!! Just kill small animals is good.

Yuuri: *pet Akio* I know... Well, I have to get ready for tonight. I'll have to make my blood bag...

Akio: Okay...

*That night the crescent moon appears on the windows and Akio looks at it. As he looks, his eyes drop dead and he groaned in pain as his back slowly grow wings. His eyes turned red and growled louder as the transformation is complete.*

*Sonic heard the sound of Akio groaning and screaming. He becomes worried that no one comforts him during the transformation. He walks to his room and slowly opens the door but then, Yuuri came in and close the door.*

Sonic: Yuuri!

Yuuri: It would be a bad idea for you to walk in after Akio transform.

Sonic: But, he needs comfort.

Yuuri: I know! But you can't just walk in like that! Give him time to come to his mind. That was not him...

Sonic: Okay... Where have you been this day?

Yuuri: I've been searching for blood and make myself a blood bag.

Sonic: Oh, I see. Do you want to give it to Akio?

Yuuri: Maybe later after we heard Akio's crying.

*As they talk, Akio did crying.*

Akio: Yuyu... *cried*

Yuuri: *walks in quickly* Don't worry Akio! *hug Akio* It's okay! You're gonna be fine...

Akio: It hurts!!

Yuuri: I know... Look what I brought. *show the blood bag*

Akio: Is that?

Yuuri: Yup! I think you want to drink it now since you lose many drops of blood.

Akio: Thank you, Yuyu! *drink the blood bag* Mmm... Taste delicious and I recognize this blood...

Yuuri: Heh... Reall-- *passed out*

Sonic: Yuuri!!

Akio: YUURI!!! Oh no!! What happens?!

Sonic: Don't worry Akio... He's still alive. He just passed out.

Akio: I knew this blood I drink is Yuuri's blood!!! *feed Yuuri the blood* Come on Yuyu, drink it...

Sonic: A cut in his wrists... Did he cut himself again?

Akio: I don't know but if he keeps doing this, he'll die...

Sonic: Don't worry, Akio. We won't let Yuuri did this again. There has to be a way to feed you some blood.

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