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(im 5'1.)


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" i don't shut up, i grow up. and when i look at you, i throw up 🙄💅 #girlboss "

And so, you two walked in silence to the dormitory to end your day. It was awkward to the both of you, mostly Legoshi, due to the tension that still remained between you after the performance. The wolf thought he had broken down that wall already by inviting you to dinner, but now he knows that it'll be much more challenging than that.

   The breeze felt quite nice as it blew towards you. It's been a while since you were able to walk in the presence of another in silence. Speaking of which, it was quite the opposite for the grey wolf yet again. His mind wouldn't silence itself and kept thinking of you. Not just you, but every glimpse he took of you, the memory of your voice, the feeling of your odd and bare hand stopping his fist during the performance, even the peculiar, metallic, thick taste of your blood and his own saliva.

   It's all been stuck with him as a burden, blinding himself from seeing who you could really be besides an aggressive, delicious meal. All he wants is the least he could get: being your friend. Of course, he realized the obstacles he would have to deal with.

   1. Share the same feelings for each other

   2. Open up a bit more rather than having just small talk

   3. Confront you about that night and *cough* hopefully not have sex after *cough*

   I mean- it can't be that hard... can it? Legoshi looked at you from the corner of his eye. You looked rather peaceful, another thing that looked peculiar to him.

   What am I even thinking?! He looked away, his ears tilting downward in shame. We're just... too different. I wouldn't be surprised if he's feeling fear in himself somewhere.

He looked beside him again, only to see you weren't there anymore. Paranoid, he looked in all directions you could've possibly gone and finds you a few feet behind him, crouched down. Thank the gods you hadn't disappeared as it probably would have ended up being yet another murder case.

Legoshi sighed in relief, turning himself around and walking towards you. It was quite dark, but he could notice you struggling to tie your shoelaces because of that.

"Uh- here, let me help you."

He bent down to your level and took the laces into his rough hands from you, feeling your burning stare.

How odd. You thought. The gray wolf that nearly devoured me near the fountain is helping me. Not only that, but he wants to apologize for the events of our little moment onstage. He does all of these horrible things to me, yet whether or not they're on accident... I can't help but feel some sort of... attraction towards him.

The wolf had completed tying the shoelaces, only then did he finally look into your eyes for what seems like eternity.

I don't think I've ever noticed how... dull his eyes are. It looks like there's almost no light reflecting from it...

Legoshi's mind sunk in deeper and deeper into your eyes, beginning to wonder the story behind your life.

Has he gone through some sort of trauma? I mean, I do remember him saying I reminded him of his own brother, but what was that supposed to mean? Is it our relationship? The way I...

"You remind me of my brother, Legoshi. He ate his own kind after they shed my blood."

   He still couldn't figure it out. He wasn't a cannibal at all, is what he was answering to himself since it's the only thing he could make out of the statement. Will he ever be able to solve this riddle?

   Surely, the chances are low.

   He looks like he's troubled in the mind at the moment. You examined his features as he was someplace else, mentally.

   Hm, he is quite attractive for a beast, ain't he? His bone structure in his face looks beautiful and unique, and although lanky, he's quite toned from what I can tell. And I've never seen any other grey wolves with those eyes, so maybe he's a bit of a mix.

   It's getting late. You both thought at the same time.

   "Legoshi." You called him after you both got up, the wolf immediately turning his head towards your own.

   "You're a really, uh, great guy. And I just... I think..."

   He's scared of me, isn't he? His voice is slightly trembling.

   You sighed.

   "I want to be friends... with you."


I FORGOT ABOUT THE STORY WE WE'RE SUPPOSED TO WRITE FOR THE WRITING CLUB AND IT'S DUE ON FRIDAY (it was assigned at the beginning of the month lolol).

Anyway, I didn't join the gardening club to do nothing, so why hasn't there been a single announcement/meeting? 🤨💅⁉️

Anyway, I didn't join the gardening club to do nothing, so why hasn't there been a single announcement/meeting? 🤨💅⁉️

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