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" mood swings "

Haru had told you to wait outside in the yard for her, rather than sneaking into the girls' dorm building.

   And so, you did. You sat at the edge of the fountain in the middle of the yard, thinking maybe you could just stay here until morning.

   You thought it'd just be a chill night, but it was all different in your head.

   'Why is no one here like me?...Why was I born with canines when I can't even use them in my household?...Was I found for a reason, or am I just a side character in someone else's story?'

   You got up from your spot, preparing to walk to who knows where, when you saw movement out of the corner of your eye.

   'Who's life am I supposed to change? Is that even my purpose? Or, do I even have one?'

   It was the gray wolf, Legoshi, from the other night. Only, he looked like a predator rather than only a carnivore. He was staring at you, looking like he would pounce at you at any second. He was salivating for a taste.

   'Though, even if I may not have one,'

   You stepped back with every step he took forward. It seemed like time had frozen, yet it was so fast paced.

   You ran, only your panting and whimpers, along with the heavy and rapid tread of the predator chasing after you.

   'I would rather search for one than give up this game of life.'

   With your physical differences, you were too slow to outrun him even by a hair. He pounced on you, both of you tumbling until he fixed himself into a crouching position, holding you in his arms uncomfortably.

   In a situation like this, your father had always told you to stay frozen, so you could either live longer or make them think you're only bait.

   But you were desperate. You were so fucking desperate to find out what you are, why you were found, you knew so much yet so little about yourself.

   You managed to get your arms out, making him hold your abdomen so tight, you could hardly breathe from the pressure crushing your diaphragm and lungs at the same time. You clawed his arms, not leaving a single scratch on him with your blunt nails and his thick fur.

   You wanted to cry out, but only wheezes and whimpers left your mouth. You started to kick your legs, trying to at least push him onto his back, but it was useless. He moved, but only an inch or two.

   His claws began to dig and pierce into your side, making you cry out of pain and fear.

   No one would hear you, see you or even notice the pain you were in. What would everyone think to themselves once you died? Would they even care? You cared about Tem's death, you only wanted to keep your genuine feelings hidden from those two because of your reputation. Would they make fun of you, or take pity on you?

   You stopped moving. There was a puddle of blood on the concrete below you, showing the spot where you would most likely bleed to death if this beast were to eat you.

   Was this the end? Were you really going to die with no answers, not even knowing your will to live?


   You heard him growling, feeling his saliva drip into your disheveled hair. He gripped you tighter and tighter, not wanting to let his prey escape when he's gotten so far.


   He stopped.

   You heard footsteps rushing towards you two.

   "Please, help me!"

   You felt his grip loosened quite a large amount, and took this chance to run. When you got up, his claws left deep scratches from where he had pierced your side, but you decided to take care of it later.

   Your scent trailed your path, and Legosi stared after you in disbelief of his uncontrolled actions.

   It would take a while to come up with an excuse for your bloodied uniform, especially to Haru.

   It would take a while to come up with an excuse for your bloodied uniform, especially to Haru

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